Forums / Install & configuration / One or several databases, need more info..

One or several databases, need more info..

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mikael lindqvist

Saturday 13 September 2003 3:49:30 am


Is there some solid (newbie) documentation that clears the pros and cons of using seperate databases for "semi-different" site that is built in your CMS?

In my case I want to implement the usual goodies that goes with a CMS system (forums, mailing lists, poll-voting etc) and preferably ONE admin interface that controls the whole stuff. At the same time I would like to be able to "cut-off" the "sub-sites" and port it to another host.

What are the potential conflicts using several databases and what factors are important to consider?

Willie Seabrook

Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:20:23 am

Personal Opinion:

There are no potential conflicts using several databases. Peice of cake. Only problem will be redirecting through proxy the URL's that go to your other systems (say a poll for example) because of the fact that easy is accessed through one file (index.php)

You could use mod_rewrite and mod_proxy for apache (you have root??) and set up some dummy folders off root:


and that folder may have a node id 24 so set a rewrite directive from

RewriteRule ^/content/view/24$ /htdocs/pollsystem/poll.php [L]???

That sort of thing anyway.... But why not just use ez for everything? Do you already have a large infrastructure built? If so why do you want to change?

I have this same sort of problem (been hacking rewrite and proxy for days) and will be swapping between two systems as to not have the site go down for any length of time) Will eventually pull over everything to ez - but I have a reason... everything has been hotch potched together over about the last 7 years and needs a revamp.
