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Tom Tootell

Sunday 20 February 2005 5:18:04 pm

I want to install Ez 3.4.4 so after downloading the installer.exe and the setup, my first question is, do I simply run the setup wizard or must I first install a database?
To someone with a firm grip on ez this sounds really dumb but if anyone could help me I would be most grateful.
P.S I did try setting up a database first but when starting MySql I get the following errrors:

Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: No error

and then two error messages, is this wrong?

Stuart DH

Monday 21 February 2005 2:38:13 am

Sounds like you are trying to run eZ publish on your desktop? If so, then you may be better off using the 3.5 installer.exe.

eZ publish needs a database to run it, and it also needs a server and PHP plus a few other things. All fairly standard requirements for most good CMS packages.

If you need to get a clearer view of your desktop's DBs then you could try the free DBtools -

Tom Tootell

Monday 21 February 2005 3:15:23 pm

Yes you are quite right I am trying to install EZ Publish onto my desktop and would prefer to use EZ 3.4 because I have a site using EZ 3.4 and want to get to grips with the basics with it.

What was unclear to me is whether when I install the EZ 3.4 does that include a PHP, MYSQL database, apache server etc or whether I needed to install them seperately.

Thanks very much for getting back to me however.