Forums / Install & configuration / newbie question: hosting ez at webhotels

newbie question: hosting ez at webhotels

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Anders Ødegård

Saturday 02 October 2004 7:16:39 am

Hi, im fairly new to ez, and I'm looking for
a webhotel that supports ez.

So my question is, what are important things to think about
when choosing a webhotel, in regards to ez?
Does anyone got any suggestions for a good and cheap webhotel?

Can you use ez in hotels that only support mysql, php... or do you need ez support also?


Robin Sørlie

Saturday 02 October 2004 8:33:19 am

You don't need an eZ support, but you need as mentioned PHP and MySQL. You also need support for either ImageMagick or ImageGD. Note that sometimes eZ need more than the standard 8MB php memory, so you should choose a host that can raise this for you if needed, or support .htaccess handling of this matter.

I do however recommand you to choose a host with eZ experience, they can help you in many cases if you run into problems. This is also great if you for instance want the rewrite rule in httpd.conf, most eZ host will do this for you.

See list;

I'm also an partner in and I can help you out if you choose hosting with us, you can find my email adress on our site. We have experience with eZ hosting, and have developed a few eZ Publish based solutions. Please excuse me for advertising :)