Forums / Install & configuration / Multilingual sites - Could not load translation file

Multilingual sites - Could not load translation file

Author Message

Josh Luo

Sunday 31 July 2005 3:18:56 pm

Hi all,

I created separate site en(English) and nl(Dutch) for my multilingual sites. The site en is default. I'm using the exact same site.ini.append.php in siteaccess/en for siteaccess/nl, changing only these lines:


When accessing the English homepage(, no problem. However, when accessing the Dutch site(, I got the following debug output:

Debug: access.php Jul 31 2005 23:47:38
Updated settings to use siteaccess 'nl'

Timing: Jul 31 2005 23:47:38
Module start 'content'

Error: eZTSTranslator::loadTranslationFile Jul 31 2005 23:47:38
Could not load translation file: share/translations/dut-NL/translation.ts

Error: eZDebug::writeFile Jul 31 2005 23:47:38
Cannot open log file 'var/log/error.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/error.log' is disabled.

Any help will be appreciated.


Ɓukasz Serwatka

Sunday 31 July 2005 11:40:15 pm

Hi Josh,

This is permission problem, make sure that eZ publish has read+write access to var/ (you can run ./bin/ from ez_pub_root dir) directory, also check if file share/translations/dut-NL/translation.ts exists.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Josh Luo

Monday 01 August 2005 10:56:03 am

Hi luke,

Thanks for your help! I have checked the permission. The var/ and var/dir/ are all set to 777, only var/log/ is set to 775. I try setting it to 777 via FTP, but this operation not permitted.

Also the file share/translations/dut-NL/translation.ts exists.

Is any solution for this problem?
