Forums / Install & configuration / Moved to new Server: Images are no longer available

Moved to new Server: Images are no longer available

Author Message

Peter Schnuerer

Sunday 02 July 2006 11:48:22 am


I moved my site to a new server (ezPublish 3.5.1).
Everything seems OK - but I can't acces the images in the media-bibliothek anymore...

I think it has to do with the permissions in the "var" directory - but what are the right permissions to set?


Ɓukasz Serwatka

Sunday 02 July 2006 11:04:36 pm

Hi Peter,

var directory should be readable and writable by web server. If you know the user and group of the webserver it is recommended to use a different set of permissions:
# chown -R user.usergroup var/
# chmod -R 770 var/

If not then
# chmod -R 777 var/

Try clear the image aliases cache and view cache from admin interface. If you use ImageMagick, make sure that path to convert script is correct in the settings/override/site.ini.append.php

Do you have any errors in the var/log/error.log or in debug output?

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