Forums / Install & configuration / Module compiled with module API... these options need to match

Module compiled with module API... these options need to match

Author Message

Cesco van Gool

Saturday 26 April 2003 9:25:24 am

Hi there,

Win2000Pro; When I installed (and now every time I reboot) I get 3x this error message:

gd unable to initiate module
module compiled with module API=20010901 debug=0, thread-safety=1
php compiled with module API=20020429 debug=0, thread-safety=1
these options need to match

Sounds interesting ... but what is it & how can I get rid of it!



John Mulder

Sunday 23 November 2003 5:59:45 am

I got the same problem :((
And have no I idea how I to solve it...
If you found out what to do, could you please mail it to me asap.
Thanks a lot