Forums / Install & configuration / Migration Issue - Can't edit content

Migration Issue - Can't edit content

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Raymond Williams

Tuesday 14 March 2006 9:01:01 am

I am doing a migration from an existing site using ezPublish to a new site which will replace the existing site. There are a number of structural changes we'll be making, the most major of which is moving four site trees into a single tree and domain. The first thing I did was create a copy of our existing database, then install a new instance of ezPublish using the copied database. I then copied over the design folder structure from the existing site to the new. Since I'm working in one site to do the testing, I modified the ini files for that site and the admin to point to the correct path on the server, and the correct database.

The trouble now is, the site builds the content structure (i.e. all of the tree branches and item are there) but when you view a content object, it has no content! So, I can navigate into About > Contact Us > Corporate Office, that structure is there. But when I view that page, it is blank.

I've grepped the folder structure for the new site and made sure all database and file path references for both the site I'm modifying and the admin section are correct. So, I am now stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 15 March 2006 12:39:50 am

Put the sitaccess in debug mode and clear all the caches. That's likely you've got an error/warning message about a template it doesn't find. Probably something to fix in your override.ini.append.php


Betsy Gamrat

Wednesday 15 March 2006 3:42:24 am


I recently upgraded 4 sites from 3.4.? to 3.7.3. These are the steps I took.

Create database
Copy database from live site
Install eZ
Use eZ upgrade tool and phpMyAdmin to synchronize the old data to the new database structure
Manually set the "container" flag on the custom classes and folders for the system that have children
Copy the templates from the live site, check permissions
Update override.ini manually
Update template priorities
Copy the stylesheets
Integrate new CMS into existing site

I was impressed with eZ's database synchronization check. The upgrades were for complex sites and everything went very smoothly.

Raymond Williams

Thursday 23 March 2006 11:23:33 am

Thanks, the template issue was correct. I remedied that, cleared the caches, but I seem to have yet another problem...

For some reason, certain data_map elements are readable, and others aren't. Basically, titles are there, but anything beyond that is returning an error and not showing. One example debug output including errors:

<b>Notice:</b> Mar 23 2006 08:32:56
eZTemplate: Loading template "node/view/full.tpl" with resource "design"

<b>Notice:</b> Mar 23 2006 08:32:56
design/prosoft/override/templates/product.tpl, iso-8859-1

<b>Debug:</b> Mar 23 2006 08:32:56
FETCH START URI: design:node/view/full.tpl, design/prosoft/override/templates/product.tpl

<b>Error:</b> eZTemplate @ design/prosoft/override/templates/product.tpl:15[9] Mar 23 2006 08:32:56

No such attribute for array(0): name
Choose one of following:

<b>Warning:</b> eZTemplate:attribute_view_gui Mar 23 2006 08:32:56
Parameter attribute is not an object

<b>Error:</b> eZTemplate @ design/prosoft/override/templates/product.tpl:17[9] Mar 23 2006 08:32:56

No such attribute for array(0): product_id
Choose one of following:

So, I believe that is leading to the problem I described originally...

The trouble now is, the site builds the content structure (i.e. all of the tree branches and item are there) but when you view a content object, it has no content! So, I can navigate into About > Contact Us > Corporate Office, that structure is there. But when I view that page, it is blank.

Any help would be appreciated...