Forums / Install & configuration / Migrated to new site - no content or database contact

Migrated to new site - no content or database contact

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Halvor M

Friday 16 February 2007 5:19:33 am

I just moved my ez from a wampserver in my home to (they still have some php4 servers as it turns out).

I tried a new install, then moving my settings, var and design folder. I also importerd my mysql dump from old site. In addition, I have checked chmods and updated site.ini.append for siteaccesses.

Still, I get just a blank page.
If I try to log on my admin interface, I get the screen with a kernel 50 - no database contact - error.

I have been fooling around this with this for probably close to 10 hours now, and still no idea what to do here :-/

Claudia Kosny

Friday 16 February 2007 5:53:32 am

Hi Halvor

First of all - have you cleared the cache? Maybe the cached ini settings are for the old database. You can either use the script bin/php/ezcache.php or just empty the cache folders manually. Then try again.

If that does not help, find out which siteaccess and database settings are used for the admin. Just add the lines

Access: {$} <br />
DatabaseImplementation: ezini('DatabaseSettings', 'DatabaseImplementation')<br />
Database: ezini('DatabaseSettings', 'Database')<br />
Server: ezini('DatabaseSettings', 'Server')<br />
User: ezini('DatabaseSettings', 'User')<br />

in the pagelayout for the login form. Displaying the password might not be such a good idea. Empty the cache and reload the page. Now make sure that the credentials are alright. If they are alright, make sure that your database server is up and running.


Halvor M

Sunday 18 February 2007 12:53:27 am


clearing the cache helped, along with a little patience. Turns out the page works, only extreeeeemely slow - posting new topic on that right away :-)