Monday 07 June 2010 3:06:59 am
hehe, modifiying the CLI php.ini is wrong :-)
Cli php.ini is for your commandline based php (scripts, cronjobs, ...)
There should be another php.ini which is used by the webserver. Php (and those websites as ezpublish) runs as a sort of plugin in the webserver. Thus the webserver needs to have a php.ini too. In linux/debian you should have the following files:
/etc/php5/apache/php.ini is the one you need to edit for ezpublish. /etc/php5/cli/php.ini is the one for cronjobs, and common commandline-php scripts. I don't know the locations on windows7 and IIS.
My guess is you hit the wroong php.ini. Utilize a simple php-test-script using "phpinfo();" (google it if you need help) to determine the exact location of the php.ini used by windows-webserver. chris
Hannover, Germany