Forums / Install & configuration / Matching keywords

Matching keywords

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Jorge estévez

Wednesday 28 April 2010 7:26:57 pm

Hello to all,


I am making a project where there are two different classes,


“Products” to be sell


“Needs” to be fulfilled


Users can create “products” and add several keywords


Users can create “needs” and add several keywords


I would like to show for a certain “product” all “needs” that matches all the products keywords, all needs that matches the products keywords minus one, minus two, and so forth


And vice versa:


I would like to show for a certain “needs” all “products” that matches all the needs keywords, all product that matches the needs keywords minus one, minus two, and so forth


This is a example, the order in wich matches appear is very useful so that users could view relations between products and needs and thus make his best shot in making a decision:


Product X (keywords: big, tall, blue, nice)

  1. Needs1 (keywords: big, tall, blue, nice) (100% matched)
  2. Needs2 (keywords: big, tall, blue, green) (75% matched)
  3. Needs3 (keywords: big, tall, yellow, red) (50% matched)
  4. Needs4 (keywords: big, white, yellow, red) (25% matched)

Needs X (keywords: big, tall, blue, green)

  1. Product1 (keywords: big, tall, blue, green, yellow) (100% matched)
  2. Product2 (keywords: big, tall, green, yellow) (75% matched)
  3. Product3 (keywords: big, tall, old, fast) (50% matched)
  4. Product3 (keywords: big, old, fast) (25% matched)

Any Ideas? Quite a challenge!



Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Jorge estévez

Sunday 02 May 2010 6:44:17 pm

Is there anybody out there....

Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Monday 03 May 2010 3:10:38 am


Try to use Ezfind, with morelikethis;

Somethings like this :

{def $mlt = fetch(ezfind,moreLikeThis,hash(<paramerters>))}


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery