Forums / Install & configuration / Lost in setup

Lost in setup

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Craig Daniels

Monday 07 April 2003 4:42:58 pm

It seems simple enough.. I go through all the setup screens with no problems. Then in the last screen I press the "done" button and it sends me back the the begining Setup screen. I have gone through this a dozen times and it keeps sending me back to the begining. Anyone know why?

I have changed the site access to "true" and done it over and over and over. I repeat there are no problems in any of the setup windows, no problem with the database. No problems at all. It is just that the done button leads me to start all over again.

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 08 April 2003 1:38:33 am

Could you enable debug and see if you get some errors or warnings on the different pages.



Craig Daniels

Tuesday 08 April 2003 6:44:22 am

I don't have a clue on how to setup debug..

I erased the ezpublish folder and downloaded another copy to my PC, I unziped it and uploaded it to the server and ran setup again.. but not I can't get past the database part
The database could not be properly initialized.
You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; CREATE TABLE ezbasket ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, session_id' at line 1
MySQL Error #1064

I'm going to go back to my original ziped file and upload it again.. But I gotta say I have never understood why a simple set of instructions on installing software could not be written.. Some of us are not programmers and we don't want to be programmers. I'm just trying to set up a CMS for a bunch of free clinics that have no money and I end up beating my head against the wall over and over and over. Is it really so hard to put out something that anyone can install or offer to install it for small sites for say 100.00 dollars and just let us get the site up and running. I don't want to change the code or create apps..

Oh well enough ranting..

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 08 April 2003 8:02:50 am

Could you give some information on your PHP version, Apache version, whether you are using virtual host setup or non-virtual host setup.
Debug is enabled by editing settings/site.ini and location the DebugOutput line, set it to enabled.

A simple set of instructions are available in the package. However the problem is usually not in the software itself but many times with the server it's installed on. For instance it could have a PHP version which has some serious bugs or the apache server is perhaps not correctly setup.
The setup was designed to make installation as easy as possible but it doesn't cover 100% of the cases of server setups that will are used out there yet. We will continue to improve this but without information it's very hard to know what is wrong.



Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 08 April 2003 9:48:38 am

Hi Craig,

I think if you do what is described here:
you can enable debug. Remember to make a backup of the ini file to restore defaults.

I don't want to disappoint you on ez publish, but currently, this is the first basically stable release of version 3, i.e. you will still have issues and lack some of the documentation. Then again, this is free software. Even though I can understand your frustrations, think a second before you complain. :-) The issue is, if it is not there and it is needed urgently, somebody of the users (reads: us) will have to do it.


Craig Daniels

Tuesday 08 April 2003 11:55:33 am

Thanks for the replys so far. I'm not finding fault with a single person or company I'm more just ranting about the computer/software business in general.. I very much appreciate all the time and effort everyone puts into their work and into open source especially. I work alot with nonprofits and much of my work is done for free so that the groups I work with can flourish, so I understand what people are putting into their work paid or not.

Here is the first Debug script , I copyed it just before I click to set up the database. My server is running FreeBSD 4.6 with Apache and MySQL and it is a shared enviroment so I asume it is a virtual setup. I well post any other errors I get in another message.

Thanks for all the help.

Timing: Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Script start
Timing: Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Module start 'setup'
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Undefined index: language_type in /usr/www/users/healthy6/ezpublish-3.0-1/kernel/setup/parts/init/ezstep_summary.php on line 55
Error: eZTextCodec Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Cannot create textcodec from characterset iso-8859-15 to characterset iso-8859-1
Timing: Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Timing: Apr 08 2003 14:50:17
Module end 'setup'
Timing: Apr 08 2003 14:50:17

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.3758 sec
Module start 'setup' 0.3758 sec 0.6687 sec
End 1.0446 sec 0.0008 sec
Module end 'setup' 1.0453 sec 0.2219 sec
End 1.2672 sec
Total runtime: 1.2679 sec

Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Template Total 0.4515 sec 34.8% 2 0.2257 sec
Template load 0.1498 sec 11.5308% 2 0.0749 sec
String conversion in template resource 0.0036 sec 0.2791% 8 0.0005 sec
Template parser: create text elements 0.0309 sec 2.3780% 8 0.0039 sec
Template parser: remove whitespace 0.0102 sec 0.7847% 8 0.0013 sec
Template parser: construct tree 0.1670 sec 12.8555% 8 0.0209 sec
Template load and register function 0.0138 sec 1.0661% 8 0.0017 sec
Template processing 0.3002 sec 23.1157% 2 0.1501 sec
INI string conversion 0.1545 sec 11.8931% 480 0.0003 sec
String conversion 0.0459 sec 3.5303% 488 0.0001 sec
Total script time: 1.2989 sec

Craig Daniels

Tuesday 08 April 2003 12:04:24 pm

Ok here is the 2nd copy from Debug. This is from the last setup page where the "done" button is and near the top of the page is where it says "Congratulations, eZ publish should now run on your system." This is where I press done and it sends me back to the start of setup.

eZ debug
Timing: Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Script start
Timing: Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Module start 'setup'
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
stat failed for /usr/krb5/bin/convert (errno=13 - Permission denied) in /usr/www/users/healthy6/ezpublish-3.0-1/kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php on line 377
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
stat failed for /usr/krb5/sbin/convert (errno=13 - Permission denied) in /usr/www/users/healthy6/ezpublish-3.0-1/kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php on line 377
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
stat failed for /root/bin/convert (errno=13 - Permission denied) in /usr/www/users/healthy6/ezpublish-3.0-1/kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php on line 377
Error: eZSMTPTransport::sendMail() Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Error sending SMTP mail: EHLO command failed, output:
Error: eZINI Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Failed opening file 'settings/override/image.ini.append.php.tmp' for writing
Timing: Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Timing: Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
Module end 'setup'
Timing: Apr 08 2003 15:03:16

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.0619 sec
Module start 'setup' 0.0619 sec 0.5478 sec
End 0.6097 sec 0.0006 sec
Module end 'setup' 0.6102 sec 0.1926 sec
End 0.8028 sec
Total runtime: 0.8033 sec

Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Template Total 0.5274 sec 63.7% 3 0.1758 sec
Template load 0.2592 sec 31.3198% 3 0.0864 sec
String conversion in template resource 0.0035 sec 0.4274% 8 0.0004 sec
Template parser: create text elements 0.0380 sec 4.5949% 8 0.0048 sec
Template parser: remove whitespace 0.0132 sec 1.5915% 8 0.0016 sec
Template parser: construct tree 0.2188 sec 26.4461% 8 0.0274 sec
Template load and register function 0.0197 sec 2.3792% 10 0.0020 sec
Template processing 0.2663 sec 32.1813% 3 0.0888 sec
INI string conversion 0.0179 sec 2.1605% 53 0.0003 sec
String conversion 0.0061 sec 0.7349% 61 0.0001 sec
Total script time: 0.8275 sec

Craig Daniels

Tuesday 15 April 2003 1:40:53 pm


I posted the dubug files as asked for.. I'm sure everyone is busy but could I get a bit of follow up on my posts.


Scot Wilcoxon

Monday 21 April 2003 4:11:21 am

Look at your warnings.
Check the permissions on this file and its directory.
Read and execute permissions are probably necessary.
Also check for PHP error messages -- PHP can be configured (/etc/php.ini) to report errors in several ways, one of which places them in /var/log/messages.

Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 15:03:16
stat failed for /usr/krb5/bin/convert (errno=13 - Permission denied) in /usr/www/users/healthy6/ezpublish-3.0-1/kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php on line 377