Forums / Install & configuration / localhost and Database initialization problem

localhost and Database initialization problem

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Doris Krüger

Wednesday 23 November 2005 2:56:28 am


I have tried to install eZ systems but have a problem at step 'Database initialization'.
I fill in localhost, root, no password but it doesn't work (also if I fill in a password, it doesn't work). It says ' The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again.'

Maybe its because I have already installed xampp? When I now try to open my 'http://localhost' I only get 'Welcome to eZ publish 3.7.2' and none of my data from localhost...

Do I now have two apache and mysql running??

Do I have to uninstall?

Would be great if you could help me!
Tahnk you very much!

Børge Warvik

Wednesday 23 November 2005 9:24:09 am

I had the same problem, and the way I fixed it was to run the mysql console and type:

update password for root@domain = old_password("yourpassword");

Important! Write in a singe line and end sentence with ";".

Hope this helps

Allan Dean

Monday 06 February 2006 8:16:51 pm


eZ Publish 3.7.3
Linux Redhat
Apache/2.0.52 (Fedora)
mysql ver 11.18
php 4.3.11

I am having trouble with the database initialization while running the installation wizard.

At the system check I ignored two error messages:

1. allow_url_fopen ini setting is disabled

2. AcceptPathInfo disabled or running in CGI mode
(the webmaster on the shared host said he enabled AcceptPathInfo in the Apache config file.)

I have had a couple false starts with the installation. The first time through it accepted my database initialization. The wizard seemed to be nearly complete then it screwed up at the end.

Starting again, the installation proceeded until I got to the Database initialization. I entered the host, username and password, but this time I got an error message: "The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again."

I am able to login and access the database with phpMyAdmin and through a shell account, but using the wizard the database won't accept the connection.

I tried manually initializing the database following the instructions here:

A clean eZ publish database was created using the SQL scripts: "kernel_schema" and "cleandata". Still, the database won't connect through the wizard.

I tried the password change that was recommended using:

update password for root@domain = old_password("yourpassword");

server: localhost
user: george
pasword: banana

I wrote:
update password for george@localhost = old_password("banana");
but I get a syntax error that reads "syntax error near unexpected token "("

Any help is appreciated.


Allan Dean

Tuesday 07 February 2006 9:20:06 am


According to my host, the syntax should have been,

set password=PASSWORD('newpassword') where user=user@localhost;

But since I do not have root access to the server I would not be able to run it.

My host reset my password.

Still, I am not able to get the database to connect when I run the wizard.

Able to log into mysql from shell and phpMyAdmin.

Allan Dean

Wednesday 08 February 2006 7:15:45 am

Still not able to make connection to the database when using the wizard.

Any ideas?

Thomas Nunninger

Wednesday 08 February 2006 1:03:22 pm

Hi Allan,

you need PHP 4.4 for eZ publish 3.7. Use eZ publish 3.6 if you can't upgrade to PHP 4.4.

Have a nice day


Allan Dean

Thursday 09 February 2006 10:17:57 am


Thank you....

I've installed the correct version for my system now (3.6.5)

Still have a problem with security dealing with .htaccess and getting 403 forbidden access errors. I have posted to a different thread about that problem.

If you have any ideas, I'd appreciate it.

Thomas Nunninger

Thursday 09 February 2006 10:31:03 am

Hi Allan,

sorry, I'm not that apache freak. I can only guess and probably I'm going wrong totally. But have you set the right permissions and ownerships of the php files that the apache user is able to access them?

Sorry, I think I'm not that helpfull at the moment :(

Have a nice day


Allan Dean

Thursday 09 February 2006 10:49:16 am

Thanks again Thomas.

During installation I was prompted to make chmod some folders in the settings subdirectory. That was done with no trouble.

All the php files in the root directory, including index.php all have 644 permission settings.