jpg and png

Author Message

Fabricio Guerrero

Friday 06 July 2007 1:54:21 am


we've finally finished the development phase of a site and now that we're moving the site to live servers and ready for go live something funny is happening...

for some reasons i can't upload jpg or png images of any sort or size... no problems at all when uploading gif images... but for some reason jpg and png's images don't get uploaded..

i've checked the var folder and can see that the folders get created properly but no images inside them when uploading jpg's and png's... as i mentioned when uploading gif everything goes lovely...

any ideas why this is happening?? some server setting i need to tweak???

thanks. <<Joomla Site :P <<Drupal Site :P <<future ezCommunity, Articles, forums and more...

Marco Zinn

Friday 06 July 2007 2:30:06 am


what about the pngs? Do the work... or not?

First of all, i'd enable debug output (at least in the admin site) and have a close look there.
As a shot in the dark: Check PHP and Apache's max file upload sizes, check unix/linux filesystem rights and finally check your Apache Rewrite rules.
But from you post, i'd guess the upload size exceeds some limit.


Fabricio Guerrero

Friday 06 July 2007 2:39:17 am

thanks for your reply..

looking at the logs i think i know what the issue is...

answering your question about file size and png's....

like i mentioned in my message i can't uplaod via ez jpg NOR png's

i also created a simple 5 line script that uploads files and all formats work perfectly...

later tried running convert from the command line and get the following:

convert: no decode delegate for this image format

and looking this up i found that imagemagick > 6 does not support jpg or png conversions by included in default installation..

so now my next step is to add these extra functionalities into imagemagick...

what a pain!!! <<Joomla Site :P <<Drupal Site :P <<future ezCommunity, Articles, forums and more...