Forums / Install & configuration / Installing PHPEdit extension for eZpublish 3.6

Installing PHPEdit extension for eZpublish 3.6

Author Message

Petter Arneson

Monday 11 July 2005 5:32:22 am

I'm new at eZ publish, but i followed the intructions at this guide:

I've installed eZ publish 3.6 on my local machine, added the soapadmin-extension, activated it and created the soap.ini.append.php in my siteaccess override folder. I also made the suggested changes in .htaccess and ezpublish.conf.

But when I try http://localhost/soap/soapadmin or http://localhost/soap.php/soapadmin i get "module not found". I even tried http://localhost/siteaccess/soap/soapadmin with no luck.

Sébastien Hordeaux

Tuesday 12 July 2005 5:43:57 am

Can you post here details about your rewrite rules? This problem should comes from here.

Petter Arneson

Tuesday 12 July 2005 6:00:16 am


My .htaccess looks like this:

php_value allow_call_time_pass_reference 0 

<FilesMatch "."> 
   order allow,deny 
   deny from all 

<FilesMatch "(index\.php|\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf)$|soap\.php"> 
   order allow,deny 
   allow from all 

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteRule soap soap.php 
RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)|soap|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf$ index.php 

DirectoryIndex index.php

Sébastien Hordeaux

Tuesday 12 July 2005 6:42:27 am

Your case seems to be very similar to this one:

Is the proposed solution fixing the problem for you too?

Petter Arneson

Tuesday 12 July 2005 7:57:51 am

Nope, I'm now using the ezpublish.conf and .htaccess from the guide doc, but still no go. I've also made a new install of eZpublish in case there was a bug there.

Bertrand Dunogier

Tuesday 12 July 2005 8:50:36 am

That error clearly means that your URL is passed through the general index.php. Your rewrite rule is probably not bypassing the soap URL.

RewriteRule soap soap.php

does not make it. The URL is still passed on to the next rule. Add [L] at the end of the rule:

RewriteRule soap soap.php [L]

Sébastien Hordeaux

Tuesday 12 July 2005 12:13:44 pm

A dedicated forum has been created to support all questions/problems with PHPEdit extension for eZ publish. It is available here:

Pål Messenlien

Tuesday 09 August 2005 4:44:29 am

Iv'e followed the guide all the way with no way in getting this to work. Iv'e even tried to degrade the eZ install to 3.6 with no hope. Now i got a feeling there is something wrong with the guide, or a serious bug in the software.

This is the steps ive done:
1) Installed eZ 3.6(3.6.1) windows installer.
2) Configured the site with the standard news setup.
3) unpacked and copies over Soap extension to the extension folder. (I did not enable the extension inside eZ admin)
4) Created a folder named override inside /settings/siteaccess/news and added a file named soap.ini.append.php inside with code from the guide.
5) Changed ezpublish.conf and .htaccess with the config from the guide, and restarted apache service. Also cleared cache fully inside eZ.
6) Configured phpEdit ez config. Rooth path to c:/ezpublish and soap url to http://localhost/soap/soapadmin or http://localhost/soap.php/soapadmin
7) Added admin user/pass and hit test... "The soap service is not functional....."

If i restart phpEdit i get the msg "An error occured while accessing the ez publish web service. Message: "HTTP/1.1 404 not found". Sometimes the program crashes instant and quits at this msg.

Also posted at the waterproof support forum.

Høgskolen i Lillehammer
Lillehammer University College
Messenlien IT

Bertrand Dunogier

Thursday 11 August 2005 2:31:22 am

I think we can say that your issue has been solved right ?

Pål Messenlien

Thursday 18 August 2005 5:39:22 am

The issue is solved. Theres a error in the documentation of the installation. The soap.ini.append.php file should look like this:



With no php code wich is described in the documentation.

More information here:

Høgskolen i Lillehammer
Lillehammer University College
Messenlien IT