Forums / Install & configuration / Installing EZPublish 4.3 on Hosting - I'm getting this error

Installing EZPublish 4.3 on Hosting - I'm getting this error

Author Message

Jackson Hartsfield

Tuesday 31 August 2010 12:46:01 pm

Hi all,

Ok, I just downloaded EZ Publish 4.3 and uploaded it to my host directory on On 1and1 I have the Linux Hosting package and the scripts supported are Perl, Python, PHP4, PHP5, PHP6 (beta).

I type in my domain name and this error comes up:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '(' in /homepages/14/d301117969/htdocs/boystown411/index.php on line 108

I have Joomla running on another site with this same hosting with no problems(I dont know if that means anything but it's more info)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Christian Rößler

Tuesday 31 August 2010 1:07:54 pm

Hy Jackson and welcome to ez...
Your errormessage indicates a corrupt php-file (index.php). There might be some clitch uploading the files to the 1and1 server. Please try again uploading this file - or better all files.

Have you uploaded the files via ftp or something else like scp ?
Was there some kind of errorchecking / corruptionchecking involved?

My guess is, as the index.php file is definetly free of syntax-errors, that there was a transfer error.
Line 108 declares a simple array, nothing php-version-specific here.

Try uploading again and let us know.
If this was the error, let us know too and mark this thread solved ;-)


Hannover, Germany

Jackson Hartsfield

Tuesday 31 August 2010 6:16:40 pm

Hi Chris,

This is the version I downloaded:

I have uploaded the zip file and unzipped on the 1and1 server and got the error message and I also extracted the files on my local machine then sent them to the hosting server via FTP and also got the same error message.

I also tried the light version and uploaded it both ways and again the same error. I'm really looking forward to trying out EZ but this part is a little frustrating. I just downloaded WinSCP and am uploading the full version with it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the help.


Update: Ugh. Just tried the one I uploaded via WinSCP and unfortunately the same error message.

Any other suggestions?

Ivo Lukac

Wednesday 01 September 2010 12:22:55 am

Hi Jackson,

You mentioned that your hosting supports PHP4, PHP5, PHP6. eZPublish 4.3 is compatible with PHP5, you need to be sure that your eZ instance is executed by PHP5. Create a phpinfo() file to see what version is executed...

Christian Rößler

Wednesday 01 September 2010 12:27:12 am

Yep, thats my bet too now.
I think you have somehow "configured" php4 to this virtualhost which you intent to let ezpublish run.

Can you check that you have enabled php5 for this domain you are trying to run ezpublish?
Another way would be to get php_info output and see what version it is (as Ivo mentioned).

file: phpinfo.php



Hannover, Germany

André R.

Wednesday 01 September 2010 3:34:56 am

Line 108:

$logMap = array( 'notice' => eZDebug::LEVEL_NOTICE,

So your running PHP 4.x, it does not understand class constants(php 5 feature) so it ends with a parser error like you get here.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Jackson Hartsfield

Wednesday 01 September 2010 10:28:13 am

Ahhhh! That did it! :-)

I called and they originally had me just add this line to the .htaccess_root file:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

And they told me to change the name of the file to .htaccess but then it was giving me a 403 error. They then told me to change that file back to it's original condition then create a new .htaccess with just the above line of code and add that to my files on the server.

Now the EZ Publish setup page is up and running!

Thank everyone for your help!
