Forums / Install & configuration / Installation of 3.4.0alpha1 version

Installation of 3.4.0alpha1 version

Author Message

Marek Korozan

Saturday 28 February 2004 4:56:54 am

At the end of installation process I got this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in ...\ezpublish-3.4.0alpha1\kernel\setup\steps\ezstep_create_sites.php on line 351
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

I have working version 3.3.3 on the same computer. Of course I used different paths and databese.
The same error appears when I try to install ez on remote server on witch v.3.3.3 was also successfuly installed (I deleted previous ver. and process with clean install). What is the problem?

Monday 01 March 2004 1:07:18 am

I've got the same error.

Site info:
Template - Plain
Title - Plain
Admin URL -
Access type - url
Access value - plain

PHP info:
Version - 4.3.4

OS info
Name - Linux 2.6.2-gentoo #1 SMP Fri Feb 6 16:43:00 CET 2004 i686

Database info:
Type - MySQL
Driver - ezmysql

Demo data:
Demo data was installed.

Email info:
Transport - sendmail

Image conversion:
ImageMagick was found and used.
Path - /usr/bin
Executable - convert
ImageGD extension was found and used.

Regional info:
Primary - nor-NO
Additional - nor-NO

Critical tests

directory_permissions - Success
phpversion - Success
database_extensions - Success
image_conversion - Success
open_basedir - Success
safe_mode - Success
memory_limit - Success
execution_time - Success

Other tests:

php_magicquotes - Failure
zlib_extension - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Success
imagemagick_program - Success
database_all_extensions - Failure
file_upload - Success
php_register_globals - Failure

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Monday 01 March 2004 5:14:12 am

The plain package is missing some data, and will therefor not install. Please use the other packages for testing.

Kåre Høvik

Kåre Høvik

Monday 01 March 2004 10:08:22 am

OK, that did the trick.