Forums / Install & configuration / Installation issues with online setup database name field not there?

Installation issues with online setup database name field not there?

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john baxter

Monday 02 August 2004 2:35:40 am

Hi chaps,

I am setting up ez on my virtual host which uses mysql.
After having no luck with manually configuring the site.ini i am trying the online setup.
However, when it gets to the database initialization section and i am asked for the details it only asks for DB user name and password and not for the name of the DB itself too. As i have other db's setup on my webspace i dont see how it is differentiating between ths db's i have setup.

What am i doing wrong? Is it painfully obvious?
Please Help me someone!

Ole Morten Halvorsen

Monday 16 August 2004 7:01:04 am

eZ publish will ask you for which database to use in a later step.

Read about the different steps here:

Ole M.

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology

eZ Certified Developer

john baxter

Monday 16 August 2004 7:57:16 am

Thanks for the reply Ole, However it does not let me get past the screen that asks for the database access details, so i do not get to see any later steps.

I know the database system is working fine as i have other subsites running that are using databases.
I have checked and checked and checked again the password and username and i am definately not doing anything wrong.
Are there any names that i cannot use for the db? Is there any type of username and or password that you cannot use?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ole Morten Halvorsen

Wednesday 18 August 2004 7:57:02 am

If you have access to the files you can turn on DebugOuput (change DebugOuput to true in your settings/site.ini file) and see if you could get some more information there.

Which eZ publish version and which database are you using?

Ole M.

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology

eZ Certified Developer

john baxter

Wednesday 18 August 2004 11:57:20 am

I am using MySQL 3.23.56, PHP 4.1.2 on RedHat linux 7.3 and using ezpublish-3.4.1.
I had already turned on the debug, but unluckily all it tells me is "Error: eZMySQLDB Connection error: Couldn't connect to database. Please try again later or inform the system administrator" There are no other errors in the debug output.

However at one of the previous steps i do get this error from the debug "The setup test 'php_magicquotes_runtime' is not defined", and the setup wizard carries on regardless, i dont think this should make any difference to the attempted database connection but thought i should include it.