Forums / Install & configuration / install on 1and1 servers (php-cgi, db)?

install on 1and1 servers (php-cgi, db)?

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Michael M

Saturday 03 January 2004 10:31:42 am has been running a USA promotion of free hosting for 3 years and have apparently signed up > 100,000 new accounts - including 5 non-profits that I work with that I'm trying to move to a common PHP CMS system.

In short, I'm hoping that someone at eZ systems sees the opportunity here and provides a patch :-). More info:

1and1 uses PHP through CGI which requires a little fiddling to get going. (E.g. to get Xaraya going, I needed some PHP tweaking as described here in the 3rd comment, by mikemee).

I'm trying to get the same type of patch working with eZ systems (Xaraya looks great, but I need a more traditional website which eZ Publish looks better suited for, esp with the IE plugin).

I've tried the cgi-php patch at (updated for 3.3, now in the thread), but no joy.

I'd be happy to give shell access to someone to try and sort this out.

thanks in advance!

Michael M

Saturday 03 January 2004 10:35:42 am

I should add that I'm up to the database page in the EZ install. The first three pages work fine (with or without the patch) and it only fails after I enter the database info.

Note that 1and1 provides a single specified database name that is already created. As there's no way to provide this in the setup UI, I simply filled in the other fields (server, user, pw) and hit Next -> which generated the 500 Server error.

So, possibly, this doesn't have anything to do with the patch yet since I'm still just using index.php.

Next I'll try a manual install...

Michael M

Saturday 03 January 2004 10:54:10 am

I set up the database using the supplied sql scripts, and then tweaked the site.ini file, but no joy. Still 500 Server Error.

Marco Zinn

Sunday 04 January 2004 6:58:25 am

I think, that the server error 500 comes from some script timeout or memory limitation at 1&1.
You might want to consider renting a complete server from 1&1 and host all your accounts there. It's not free, of course, but...
We've got an "old" 1&1 "Root Server" with several ezPublish installations on it (2.2 - 3.3), working fine.


James Packham

Monday 05 January 2004 3:30:20 am

Another problem you might have is that (oneandone uk at least) run Redhat 9 servers, which means you get apache 2 - which eZ Publish currently doesn't like. If you want 1.3 (which ez does like) then you need to compile from source, again something that you'll need a dedicated server to do really.



Derick Rethans

Monday 05 January 2004 7:29:33 am

Just a note: It's not really eZ publish that's not liking Apache 2, but it's actually a PHP problem. The interface between Apache 2 and PHP is not stable, and won't be in the near future. So I would suggest to use Apache 1.3.x for any PHP using sites.

Rib Rdb

Monday 05 January 2004 2:40:21 pm

I don't think it's a memory problem. Apache's memory limit is set to over 100 megs, and I've tried increasing the memory limit in php.ini to 16megs to no avail. The 500 error comes too quickly to be a timeout too. Are there still Apache 2 problems with php-cgi?
I think someone said (I think it was in a thread from October) that they were able to trace the problem to the template processing.

andrew sch

Thursday 22 January 2004 5:32:00 pm

I'm trying to do the same thing, and am having the exact same problem. And help would be highly appreciated

Raymond Angel

Saturday 21 February 2004 1:15:12 pm

I also would like help. It seems to me that no one cares enough to help us. Why would I buy the box product if I can't get any help with this problem that hundreds of people are most likely having. I am using 1and1 as well.

Rib Rdb

Sunday 22 February 2004 2:50:03 pm

After more playing it seems like the problem may be memory. Since 1and1 isn't helping, the only thing I can think of would be to change the location of the error log in the httpd.conf which is located (with write permission) in ~/../

However, I don't really want to try this. I'm trying to use phpBB, although it is a rather unpleasant experience.