Forums / Install & configuration / Install Ezpublish 3.10 "allow_url_fopen "

Install Ezpublish 3.10 "allow_url_fopen "

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Jan Frode Bentsen

Saturday 05 January 2008 10:37:40 am

I did not manage to install Ezpublish 3.10 with a the full template. The browser is going blank in the final step.

But I did mange to intall it with a plain site.

During installation i got this error message:
"allow_url_fopen ini setting is disabled" My webhotell providor does not allow to enable this due to security reasons.
My providor also say it is strange that a program like this is based on a allow_url_fopen since this could be done ie Curl..

(all this does not really tell me a lot).

But i would like to install a package in to my so far plain site. Is this possible to do manually, and how is this done?

Is there a way around the "allow_url_fopen ini setting is disabled" issue?

Egil Fujikawa Nes

Saturday 05 January 2008 3:31:56 pm

Hello Jan Frode,

eZ Publish <i>use url_fopen</i> to fetch site packages from a central repository over the http protocol. As a workaround you can download the site packages you want manually from and upload them to your eZ Publish site.

I assumed that eZ Publish use <i>fopen</i> instead of Curl because fopen is a core PHP function that most webhosting companies support, while Curl have a much lower penetration rate in the hosting market.

Good luck,
Egil Fujikawa Nes

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Jan Frode Bentsen

Sunday 06 January 2008 12:02:36 pm

Thank you for your quick reply.

I have now downloaded the files in: to my local computer.

What is my next step? In what folder do i upload this to? In one folder, or seperatly folders?

When the files are in place, do I have to install them in admin panel?

I had a look at this page:

And when I follow that routine I get this message:
Can't install object 'Woman (Communities)': Unable to fetch class with remoteID: 9cb558e25fd946246bbb32950c00228e.
Element with ID '99730850bd806030c4ae9ea92571bdd0' will not be installed.

Can I still upload from local disk, even if I have the allow_url_fopen disabled?

Any suggestions?

Jan Frode Bentsen

Sunday 06 January 2008 12:22:58 pm

After I tried to install via admin panel. Please see video, I experienced the same problem as I did the first time. My browser is going blank.

In the video I am trying to install tha package banner. (tried it several times, therefor I have to overwrite)

Any suggesitons ?

André R.

Sunday 06 January 2008 2:45:35 pm

It should be an option to upload from locale disk during installation, you could try that.
But remember that eZ Publish is a bit strict, so when you run on a plain vanilla web hotel you might run into more issues.

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