Forums / Install & configuration / Install does not start

Install does not start

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Bruno Matschiner

Thursday 07 December 2006 4:13:25 am


I'm new to ezpublish.
I'm using XAMPP 1.5.5 for Windows with PHP 4.4.4 an MySQL 5.0.27.
I did change the memory_limit to 64MB. The max execution time is 60.
When i want to start the installation by starting with the index.php it does not do anything. Firefox gives me a "Server not found" an the IE a "Page could not be displayed" error.
When I switch to PHP 5 it starts with an error, but I get a message. PHP 4.4.4 and I just get the "Server not found" error.

What am I doing wrong?

Bruno Matschiner

Thursday 07 December 2006 7:40:28 am

To make things more clear: wont even start executing.
I tried another php-script an all went ok.
Is there something wrong with PHP 4.4.4 or is the source code of ezpublish damaged?

I tried several versions of ezpublish and nothing worked.
If I uncomment the

if ( file_exists( 'ezp.xt' ) )
$fd = fopen( 'ezp.xt', 'w' ); fclose( $fd );
xdebug_start_trace( 'ezp' );

I got an error message. This shows me, that he does execute index.php.

Kristof Coomans

Friday 08 December 2006 1:00:14 am

Hi Bruno

Which error message did you get when uncommenting those lines of code?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Bruno Matschiner

Friday 08 December 2006 2:31:23 am

Thats the error I get when uncommenting the lines 25 to 29 in index.php:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: xdebug_start_trace() in D:\websites\xampp\xampp-win32-1.5.5\htdocs\ezpublish\index.php on line 29