Forums / Install & configuration / Including php script in template?

Including php script in template?

Author Message

Dan Zembrosky

Saturday 08 March 2003 3:55:20 pm

I need to include an outside php script to import news to my template, aer there any special commands for this to work?

Dan Zembrosky

Sunday 09 March 2003 12:05:23 pm

> > I need to include an outside php script to import news
> to my
> > template, aer there any special commands for this to
> work?
> Sorry Dan, but the current version of eZp does not have a
> way to implement outside scripts.
> Small correction: the latest SVN contains a file called
> ./lib/ezutils/classes/ezphpcreator.php without any usefull
> comments or sdk references.

Well I'lkl certainly be looking forward to RC-3 in that case. Thank you.