Forums / Install & configuration / included templates won't be loaded by ini settings TemplateCompile=disabled

included templates won't be loaded by ini settings TemplateCompile=disabled

Author Message

Manuel Koch

Thursday 13 January 2011 2:29:53 pm


I really need help. After i changed the ini settings to TemplateCompile=disabled in the templatesettings block in settings/override/site.ini my include uri tpl's won't be load.


The Template Debug shows this error for each included tpl file

Warning: eZTemplate  
No template could be loaded for "content/maincontent.tpl" using resource "design"

I have deleted all caches.

I don't know what's wrong !!

Greats from Switzerland

Gaetano Giunta

Friday 14 January 2011 5:04:21 am

Maybe it's just copy and paste error, but you have "didabled" in your sample

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Manuel Koch

Friday 14 January 2011 6:15:56 am

You'have right but sadly this isn't the problem. It's truly a copy paste problem. Do you have some other ideas why my included templates won't work with TemplateCompile=disabled? With TemplateCompile=enabled they will include!