Forums / Install & configuration / Import Script error

Import Script error

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Marco Zinn

Saturday 30 August 2003 4:19:27 pm

Hi there,

I'm trying to run the import scripts to import data from 2.2. to 3.1 (or 3.2beta1)
With the user import script, i get two warning about "Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by" and " Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent", both because "output started at blabla/importuser.php:5)"

Okay, fine.
But then, the script stop with this error:
Call to a member function on a non-object in EZROOT/kernel/content/ezcontentoperationcollection.php on line 208.

Can anyone (wenyue?) please tell me, what this could be?
This happens with a "clean" database for ez3 (i ran clean_data.sql), both with a 3.1 final and a 3.2beta1 installation.
The original data from 2.2 seems nice and with some debug prints, I found, that the DB is opened an read perfectly (import script can print the group name of the first user group, before it halts).

The other scripts all produce the same warnings and errors. :(


Wenyue Yu

Wednesday 03 September 2003 1:06:01 am


I think the problem is because of unclean data in database. In 3.1 final, I guess you should import kernel_shema.sql and then cleandata.sql. ( clean_data.sql may from 3.1 beta? ). I have just tested with success.
