Forums / Install & configuration / Import of package and database problems.

Import of package and database problems.

Author Message

Jorge estévez

Monday 07 January 2008 3:11:43 am

I have imported a package from another site:

The items imported are in esl-MX and my new site is in esl-ES / esl-ENG, the problem arises when the items in esl-MX are iso-8859-1 so my database gets a mixture of UTF8 and iso-8859-1 which does not work with accented words once online.

I tried to get rid of the imported data by deleting the packages imported and deleting the tree that has those items but my database keeps having items in esl-MX language.

When I go to the admin site/Configuration/Languages esl-MX it’s still there with 7 translations, I have been several times all over the whole structure of the site checking all nodes and they seem to be in esl-ES.

Why not export the data base and take a look there?, well I did that, and making some searches for esl-MX I found the following:

INSERT INTO `ezcontent_language` (`disabled`, `id`, `locale`, `name`) VALUES 
  (0,2,'esl-ES','Castellano (España)'),
  (0,4,'eng-US','English (American)'),

And also at the table `ezcontentclass_attribute` as follows:

(1,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','','','','','ezauthor',355,'author',0,0,0,3,'a:3:{s:6:\"esl-MX\";s:24:\"Autor (defina uno nuevo)\";s:16:\"always-available\";s:6:\"esl-MX\";s:6:\"esl-ES\";s:5:\"Autor\";}',0),

And (the following has to do with a class attribute that I have already deleted):

(0,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,'','','','','','ezboolean',358,'enable_comments',0,0,0,6,'a:3:{s:6:\"esl-MX\";s:68:\"Permitir comentarios? (debe marcarse para permitir a todos comentar)\";s:16:\"always-available\";s:6:\"esl-MX\";s:6:\"esl-ES\";s:15:\"Enable comments\";}',0),

And so forth, there are 191 esl-MX found at the database, I have not searched and analyzed all but I have a strong feeling (quite sure) that the database still has all the tree items I have deleted and also information about classes I also deleted trying to solve this problem.

If someone has had a similar issue please tell me how can I fix the whole database erasing all that has to do with esl-MX stuff.

Is there a method to erase a whole language? (and all nodes traslated with that language), I have been at site/Configuration/Languages and clicking at one of the languages leed me to a page with its language configuration information and a button to erase the language, but it does not work.

Is there a way to show only notes that have been translated to a specific language?


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