Forums / Install & configuration / ImageMagick not displaying images ez 3.3.5

ImageMagick not displaying images ez 3.3.5

Author Message

Alexander Celle

Tuesday 11 May 2004 10:36:16 pm

I have tried almost everything but have not been able to upload images to my site. Although my setup wizard detected ImageMagick, I still installed it separately from a binary. Anyway, what I get from the debug output is:

Timing: May 12 2004 01:27:54
Module start 'content'
Warning: PHP May 12 2004 01:27:54
Undefined variable: returnCode in /var/www/html/virtual/ on line 122
Warning: PHP May 12 2004 01:27:54
system() has been disabled for security reasons in /var/www/html/virtual/ on line 122
Warning: PHP May 12 2004 01:27:54
Undefined variable: returnCode in /var/www/html/virtual/ on line 124
<b>Error: eZImageShellHandler(ImageMagick) May 12 2004 01:27:54
Unknown destination file: var/ppp/storage/images/media/cubetera/624-1-eng-GB/cubetera_reference.gif </b>
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias May 12 2004 01:27:54
Failed converting var/ppp/storage/images/media/cubetera/624-1-eng-GB/cubetera.gif to alias original in directory var/ppp/storage/images/media/cubetera/624-1-eng-GB
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias May 12 2004 01:27:54
Failed creating the referenced alias reference, cannot create alias medium
Timing: May 12 2004 01:27:54
Module end 'content'
Timing: May 12 2004 01:27:54

I checked the directory and there is no file 'cubetera_reference.gif'. I tried copying cubetera.gif to cubetera_reference.gif and still nothing displays (so, the image is there but i cannot see it)

Any help?

James Packham

Wednesday 12 May 2004 1:47:50 am

Having struggled with images on a few of my servers recently I feel your pain!

I noticed from the debug output that there doesn't seem to be any feedback from convert (Imagemagick) itself. Usually if it's a problem with imagemagick you'll get the error code for it. Suppose the most likely reason for this is that it isn't being called - do you have the correct path to imagemagick in your image.ini? I think it defaults to something like /usr/bin/, I would have thought that if you installed from binary it would put it here anyway, but who knows?

My other guess is that it is something to do with permissions, but I think this is less likely to be the cause of the problem above - check the permissions for your var/ dir. chmod -R 775 on it. Also check correct ownership - chown -R on it to apache user (this is usually apache, httpd or nobody, if you're not sure check your httpd.conf).

Hope that helps :)



Alexander Celle

Wednesday 12 May 2004 8:11:09 am

Regarding the permissions... I have chmod 777 /var so that shouldn't be a problem.

Regarding the path... I have ImageMagick installed in /www/bin/ImageMagick/, so the executable is: /www/bin/ImageMagick/bin/convert.

What are the correct values for the following?
<b>ExecutablePath= ? (/www/bin/ImageMagick/bin ?)</b>
<b>Executable= ? (convert?)</b>

I've tried all kinds of combinations and nothing seems to change... please help... I'm desperate :(

Another thing, I tried running 'convert' from the command line to see what happened and I got:
<b>/www/bin/ImageMagick/bin/convert: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</b>

I cannot set a path, so what should I do?

James Packham

Wednesday 12 May 2004 8:35:46 am

I'm not being funny, but by install from binary, did you mean from source? I looks like Imagamagick is not installed correctly, it can't find it's libraries. My guess is you need to soft link wherever it's looking for them to wherever they really are.

>> What are the correct values for the following?
>> ExecutablePath= ? (/www/bin/ImageMagick/bin ?)
>> Executable= ? (convert?)

Yes, just to clarify:

Hope this helps :)



Alexander Celle

Wednesday 12 May 2004 2:44:50 pm

Ok, I gave up with ImageMagick :(

I now just disabled it and started working with GD. Is the only issue the fact that now my images have to be jpg's instead of any format?

Thanks a lot.

Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 12 May 2004 3:59:32 pm

Hi Alexander

The key line in the dubug output is

Warning: PHP May 12 2004 01:27:54
system() has been disabled for security reasons in /var/www/html/virtual/ on line 122

I believe that this means that php is running in safe mode and the system function has been disabled

I know there has been some posting in the forums in regards to running ezPublish with php safe mode.

Hope this helps

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James Packham

Thursday 13 May 2004 1:26:47 am

Hi Alex,

On a broadly related note, I remembered a disscusion on my local LUG's mailing list about the best ways to keep track of stuff installed from source whilst driving into work this morning. I don't know, you may find it interesting here's the first post:

(Ignore the bits about Debian if you like, most of our discussions seem to touch on Debian - even when it looks unlikely :) )

