Forums / Install & configuration / Image Scaling Issues / Reference image concept

Image Scaling Issues / Reference image concept

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Marco Zinn

Saturday 20 September 2003 12:52:11 pm

Hi Folks,

I've installed ezP3.2 on a Solaris system and we use ImageMagick for Image handling.
Problem: I cannot disable "ScaleLargerThanOriginal", because then, the reference image is not created. I guess, the problem is the > character in the geometry specification.
I had big trouble with this in ezP2 on a linux system with safe mode on, as the > character was escaped.
But this system has "safe mode off" (says phpinfo and ez system information).
Does anyone have a clue, what it could be? Solaris? ImageMagick version? Some Security "feature" in ezP, that escapes the shell command, despite of safe mode being off?
(The same setup _works_ with ezP3.2 on a linux installation: Safe mode off, ImageMagick, and "ScaleLargerThenOriginal" off).

The problem is: When I enable "ScaleLargerThanOriginal", everything works, but every reference image is very large (ie 600x600 pixels). Most of our pictures are smaller than this, so we will loose a lot of harddisc space for huge reference images.

A work-around would be to disable the reference image creation and create the needed variations directly from the original image file. Can this be done?
For us, reference images don't make much sence, as we will have a lot of small images. And images, that are larger then 600x600 usually are screenshots, which we need to display in "original" size.
Any hints are highly appreciated!
