Forums / Install & configuration / ignoring SiteLanguageList[]?
Don Blogger
Wednesday 27 October 2010 12:26:28 am
In the new eZ Publish admin, I'm now having an issue I haven't seen before:
The site is configured for German and English, being German the main language. The admin's siteLanguageList configuration is
SiteLanguageList[] SiteLanguageList[]=ger-DESiteLanguageList[]=eng-GB
When now clicking on the pencil-icon to edit an article that's already stored in German, the English language translation is pre-selected instead of the already done German version - users therefore have to always do an extra step and click the German version to modify an entry.
I'm aware of the possibility of changing the ez publish admin template directly, but I guess there might be a way to do that with configuration - or am I missing out on something?
Thanks in advance,