Forums / Install & configuration / i18n didn`t work .. did i miss somthing ?

i18n didn`t work .. did i miss somthing ?

Author Message

Selmah Maxim

Sunday 11 May 2003 11:08:10 am

Hi ..

<h2>{"Module not found"|i18n("design/standard/error/kernel")}</h2>

i got the same msg for 3 language (eng, de , hun),every thing is there, the *.ts file and *ini files, any can help me ?

the debug msg :

Warning: ezi18n
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/error/kernel): 'Module not found' with comment()

Selmah Maxim

Sunday 11 May 2003 11:25:35 am

found it ... cash problem :)