Forums / Install & configuration / How to trigger the use of a printpagelayout.tpl ?

How to trigger the use of a printpagelayout.tpl ?

Author Message

Volker Lenz

Thursday 27 February 2003 3:38:46 am

I still can't imagine how to make ezp3 fetch a pagelayout other than default.

Login pagelayout is automatically fetched when the request uri points to /user/login

Not so with printpage-layout.

Can somebody comment on this ? Thanks for your efforts.



Paul Forsyth

Thursday 27 February 2003 4:15:18 am

Just got this working the other day.

First create a file containing your layout:


Then you can call it by prepending '/layout/set/print' to your urls, ie:

<a href={concat("/layout/set/print/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")|ezurl}">print view </a>

one thing you need to watch for is when you are within the new print view. getting back to the original view seems to better if you dont use {ezurl}. ie.

<a href={concat("/index.php/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")}> Back to normal page view</a>

Hope this helps


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 27 February 2003 5:18:38 am

> Just got this working the other day.
> First create a file containing your layout:
> design/<yours>/templates/print_pagelayout.tpl
> Then you can call it by prepending '/layout/set/print' to
> your urls, ie:
> <a
> href={concat("/layout/set/print/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")|ezurl}">print
> view </a>
> one thing you need to watch for is when you are within the
> new print view. getting back to the original view seems to
> better if you dont use {ezurl}. ie.
> <a
> href={concat("/index.php/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")}>
> Back to normal page view</a>
> Hope this helps
> Paul

i've just realised your question wasn't quite answered by this :) but you can see where its going and what to do.


Mike Cohen

Friday 28 February 2003 10:46:55 am

> > Just got this working the other day.
> >
> > First create a file containing your layout:
> >
> > design/<yours>/templates/print_pagelayout.tpl
> >
> > Then you can call it by prepending '/layout/set/print'
> to
> > your urls, ie:
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/layout/set/print/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")|ezurl}">print
> > view </a>
> >
> > one thing you need to watch for is when you are within
> the
> > new print view. getting back to the original view seems
> to
> > better if you dont use {ezurl}. ie.
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/index.php/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")}>
> > Back to normal page view</a>
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Paul
> i've just realised your question wasn't quite answered by
> this :) but you can see where its going and what to do.
> paul

Great tip Paul, thanks for the input.

I also noticed with this functionality you can also use fullscreen_pagelayout.tpl and popup_pagelayout.tpl, do you know of any others.



Volker Lenz

Monday 03 March 2003 4:01:44 am

> > Just got this working the other day.
> >
> > First create a file containing your layout:
> >
> > design/<yours>/templates/print_pagelayout.tpl
> >
> > Then you can call it by prepending '/layout/set/print'
> to
> > your urls, ie:
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/layout/set/print/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")|ezurl}">print
> > view </a>
> >
> > one thing you need to watch for is when you are within
> the
> > new print view. getting back to the original view seems
> to
> > better if you dont use {ezurl}. ie.
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/index.php/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")}>
> > Back to normal page view</a>
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Paul
> i've just realised your question wasn't quite answered by
> this :) but you can see where its going and what to do.
> paul

Thanks a lot, Paul. Your explanation covers my task entirely. Besides, I am going to tackle the redirection issue with printed pages by just skipping redirection from print view to normal view.
Users triggering printable output will simply receive the printable markup in a new browser window. They may print it or close it. Wihin the printable view, one may use ezurl-operators safely to support e.g. multipage print-views. in footer navigation or something.

Kind regards


Volker Lenz

Monday 03 March 2003 4:22:57 am

> > Just got this working the other day.
> >
> > First create a file containing your layout:
> >
> > design/<yours>/templates/print_pagelayout.tpl
> >
> > Then you can call it by prepending '/layout/set/print'
> to
> > your urls, ie:
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/layout/set/print/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")|ezurl}">print
> > view </a>
> >
> > one thing you need to watch for is when you are within
> the
> > new print view. getting back to the original view seems
> to
> > better if you dont use {ezurl}. ie.
> >
> > <a
> >
> href={concat("/index.php/content/view/full/",$node.node_id,"/")}>
> > Back to normal page view</a>
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Paul
> i've just realised your question wasn't quite answered by
> this :) but you can see where its going and what to do.
> paul

What do you think about this:
<a href={concat('/layout/set/print/',$site.uri.uri)|ezurl} target="new">...</a>

The $site.uri.uri reports the current uri to the template and can be used to obtain a general print button for any kind of content you may display in your pagelayout.



Tim Ross

Friday 06 February 2004 6:59:04 am


I think <a href={concat("layout/set/print/",$site.uri.tail)|ezurl}>printable version</a> is the correct way to call a printable page. $site.uri.tail gives you the "content/view/44" bit.

I also noticed this code in the link.tpl standard template:

<link rel="Alternate" href={concat("layout/set/print/",$site.uri.tail)|ezurl} media="print" title="{'Printable version'|i18n('design/standard/layout')}" />

In IE this makes the print preview use the print_pagelayout file rather than the standard pagelayout.

Hope this helps
