Forums / Install & configuration / How To Install ?

How To Install ?

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Sunday 08 May 2005 4:15:02 pm

hi , please , how to install ?
where is the *.php to install Ez ?
Salut , svp , comment on l'installe ?
quelle fichier *.php doit etre executé ?

Loai Said

Sunday 08 May 2005 7:32:44 pm

It is easy. You click on the download link on top of the page to download ezpblish. Then you ftp it to your host machine and untar it. Then point your browser at your site. ezpublish will automatically detetect that it needs to be installed and will take you through the installation screens.

Contact me if you have problems.

We Host EzPublish sites. Installation is always FREE.


Monday 09 May 2005 7:58:30 am

i have problem ^^

im go to my site .. and .. :

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in d:\WSERVER\www\ezpublish\lib\ezutils\classes\ezdebug.php on line 203

i have try with the serveur pack
its sucess and .. its Slooooooooowwww ...
how to increase speed ?
(30 sec for a page .... huhu)

J-A Eberhard

Monday 09 May 2005 9:21:27 am

Looks like a PHP5 error. eZ run on php4 only.

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

Ola Eirik Klingen

Tuesday 24 May 2005 6:58:29 am


I experience similar problems.
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/b/16/olaeirik/public_html/ezpublish/lib/ezutils/classes/ezdebug.php on line 203

In my case I'm using Php 4.3.1 and Apache.

Anyone that can help me with this?