Forums / Install & configuration / Hmmm it seems to be a problem

Hmmm it seems to be a problem

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laxmati laxmati

Saturday 07 January 2006 4:35:48 pm

sry for bad english pipl,

after 100% installation I try to follof the link 'User Site' and/or 'Admin Site' after about 30 seconds I've got an error:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in x:\home\ez\www\lib\ezxml\classes\ezxml.php on line 358
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. >/code>

If someone could help me to fix this problem, it would be great. Thx

Tim Dickinson

Saturday 07 January 2006 5:29:30 pm

You need to increase the maximum execution time for PHP in your installation.
If you increase the amount of memory allocated to the recommended 12 mb, that may also help (if you server isn't already set up like that).

Make sure your server meets the minimum requirements to run eZ publish

There is no problem with ezpublish from your error message by the looks of things, it is just that it couldn't run on your current server set up. So you might have to change (or ask your host to change) a couple of things.

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