Forums / Install & configuration / Help needed. Did somebody UPGRADE to PHP5 ?

Help needed. Did somebody UPGRADE to PHP5 ?

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Ahmed El Safty

Tuesday 14 August 2007 6:50:13 am

Hi Guys,

I have some big problem and any fast help would be appreciated. The hosting company upgraded to PHP5 on the weekend (I did not know that before) and my boss news site crashed. The one responsible for the hosting made a work-around to parse all PHP5 to PHP4. That worked, until I cleared the cache and realized that all pictures could not be scaled anymore. So my site is pretty screwed up right now and I took it offline.

The only chance left is to upgrade to PHP5. I already checked the Forum, and there is this unofficial port in the SVN directory. I would use that, however how do I uprade my site to it? I mean I have so much content, the work of a year is in the database, and I want to upgrade to the PHP5 port, and I am kinda scared...

So, is there any one who upgraded to the PHP5 port. Any tips? Does the normal upgrade routine apply here, like if I followed the instructions from ezPublish Documentation, would they work too with the Port?

I really would appreciate any help, for this site is in my responsibitly and the guy who is responsibiliy screwed me over, he just told me.. deal with it. its PHP5 now... and my boss is pretty impatient..

Sorry for bothering you...

André R.

Tuesday 14 August 2007 8:41:37 am

The newest stable version of the php5 port is located here:

This 3.9 version is 3.9.2 currently.

1. extract the version you want into a new host
2. copy the var content (but delete the content of the cache folders )
3. copy setting, your design and extensions
4. if you have copied any extensions search true the php files in them for '&=' and 'function &FunctionName' and remove '&'
5. make a copy of the db and setup the new install with the new db copy
6. do the upgrade scripts if its a different version.

Hopefully your new php5 site is up now :)
Notice: #4: you only need to remove the once that return objects.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Ahmed El Safty

Wednesday 15 August 2007 3:47:47 am

Thanks André.. I will try it and let you know..