Saturday 10 May 2003 1:41:18 pm
It seems that most of the information about installation is centered around, an installation on a local drive. This creates a void for installation on servers where access may be restricted.
Personally I evaluate programs on a regular basis and have found that the PHP.ini file For many web servers may be radically different what may work on one server may not work on another. I am very interested in testing this program out to see if it is a viable, (real world); application, I was intrigued by the possibilities of this application, however relying on a local installation to evaluate any given software is not really a reliable way to test the ability of this software to serve a purpose or to be useful.
I tried it out on my local machine and it performed very well after some adjustments.
Now to suitably impress me, I would need to see it in operation on a server, since approximately 40 percent of small websites are running on virtual hosts; it would be a good idea to cover this information if at all possible, also it is a good ideal to remember that for every one yahoo or Google there are hundreds of thousands of other much smaller websites! I feel this would be a good area to explore and frankly I am surprised that there is a sizable lack of information on this topic. Setting up the database using PHPmyadmin would be a good area to cover. I am going to attempt to set up on a virtual host and see what happens, I would be happy to share any information with you or anyone else should there be an interest and if you have successfully set up a working version of this software on a virtual host please do share any tips you might find helpful.