Forums / Install & configuration / Hardware requirements?

Hardware requirements?

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Nicklas Lundgren

Tuesday 25 November 2003 4:06:17 am

I hope to get some advice regarding hardware requirements for ez3.

I am planning to launch four separate websites, running on one eZ installation, with the same Db.

There will be an initial load of approx. 6000 pageviews per day and up to 500 pageviews in the most intense hour each day.

What is your experience of hardware requirements? What would be sufficient to run these websites?

Also, is there any difference in performance between Win2K and Linux when running eZ?

All ideas and suggestions appreciated!

Nicklas Lundgren

Tony Wood

Tuesday 25 November 2003 6:40:17 am

As long as you don't need more than 100 concurrent sessions at once and you write you site correctly a 2.4Ghz machine with 1-2Gb of RAM should do you just fine.

Tony Wood :
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Nicklas Lundgren

Tuesday 25 November 2003 7:18:03 am

Thanks for the suggestion, Tony,

However, would you please be more specific when it comes to "write the site correctly"?

For example, one of the sites use a dynamic menu in the left column. Since it alters depending on where in the site the user is, it cant be viewcached, I suppose, so I have disabled viewcache in this template.
The template reads titles of subfolders and generates the menu on the fly. Would you do this in any other way?

Maybee this is why I get accesstimes of 1-2 seconds per pageview on a 2.4ghz windows server with mmcache, template cache, template compile, process cache and viewcache enabled and nodetreecaching disabled.

Any ideas on how to improve the performance?

Nicklas Lundgren

Shaun Ellis

Tuesday 25 November 2003 7:48:38 am

Have you tried using a 3rd party php accelerator? That is what is recommended in the documentation.

Bård Farstad

Tuesday 25 November 2003 8:28:17 am


to speed up your site you need to use cache-blocks in pagelayout. This will boost your pages very much. If there is no personalized content on your site you should see something like 0.1-0.2 seconds pr page ( cached ) on the hardware you describe.

See the demo packages which comes with eZ publish 3.3 Beta 1 tomorrow. They use cache blocks to speed up page processing.



Nicklas Lundgren

Tuesday 25 November 2003 3:02:25 pm

Thank for the answers, folks!
Bård, I have actually never heard of cache-blocks before and cant find anything under documents on this site. Would you please point me to the right place in the documentation?

I have tried implementing som cache-blocks now, but the result is somewhat strange. I guess I must get the background first...

Regarding 3rd party caching - I am using the Turck MMcache that came with the 3.23 bundle for windows.

Kind regards,
Nicklas Lundgren

Tony Wood

Wednesday 26 November 2003 1:33:46 am

The knack here is to use them on the code that does not contain user state specific information.
So you should not use on login boxes, name displays etc. But you can use on items that are page state specific such as navigation, content pages etc.

They really speed things up but need some tweaking to get it just right.

Some cache block info pages (scroll down a bit to find)

--Good luck


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Tony Wood

Wednesday 26 November 2003 1:35:32 am

For cache - forgot in last post

Grab the latest from here as they have improved it since your version

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Marco Zinn

Wednesday 26 November 2003 3:31:36 pm

For Cache-Blocks:
Bard is right, they boost speed a lot, but it's tricky to use them sometimes.
We use them to cache several navigation elements (incl. a tree navigator), but the Cache-Keys for this block is something like
{ URI and User Group }, because the tree depends on the current page (obviously) and sometimes depends on the user group (better: Roles), that the user is in to decide, wheter some folders are visible or not.


Nicklas Lundgren

Thursday 27 November 2003 1:40:02 am

Hi folks,
Thanks a lot - Tony, Bard and everyone else in this thread!

Your contributions here has made it possible for me to reduce the pageview time from about 2 seconds/ pageview to 0.5 second per pageview!

Everything thanks to cache-block. Indeed, its a little tricky to get used to. But after applying the relevant keys, it really works.
One special thing that needs to be pointed out is that $node is not available when using viewcached pages. That one almost got me... I had to change $node to $module_result in a few places, and now it all works!

However - one question remain.
I have a forum where anonymous posts is allowed - no login is available. When I post something to the forum, it seems like all cache is cleared. Not only in the forum - but in the whole site. At least thats the feeling I get regarding to responsetimes directly after posting a message.

Any ideas on that issue? I have run out of them, unfortunately...

All contributions greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,
Nicklas Lundgren