Forums / Install & configuration / getting rid of the /index.php/ in urls for ez publish 4.4

getting rid of the /index.php/ in urls for ez publish 4.4

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kirill starikov

Wednesday 20 April 2011 10:15:53 am


i have my own linux box with ez publish 4.4 and i want to get rid of this annoying index.php appearing as an element of url.

to get to teh subject i did the following:

0) ensure that my apache rewrite modile works (it does)

1) set ForceVirtualHost=true in my settings/override/site.ini.append.php

2) then comes the .htaccess part! i've tried these methods:

a) using conventional ez publish .htaccess (.htaccess_root). failed.

b) using conventional ez publish .htaccess with first two blocks uncommented. failed.

c) using the file from failed.

d) using the file from failed.

all these methods give me the same error -- either 404 (when i try to access any of my urls having removed index.php/ from them; like http://<my_ezp_host>/<siteaccess>) or "The requested module index.php could not be found." (it's when i go to the old urls with index.php/ present).

when i get back to ForceVirtualHost=false, i use the old, default urls, starting with index.php/ and everything works fine.

please tell me, what am i doing wrong.

Theodoros Papageorgiou

Friday 22 April 2011 1:40:56 pm

Hi Kirill,

I think you should check your Apache virtual host settings:


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