Forums / Install & configuration / Forum topic delete error

Forum topic delete error

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Bruce Prochnau

Saturday 17 September 2005 12:51:08 pm

I cannot delete forums or topics. Get error:
Transaction failed on and URI /path here to admin/content/removeobject with ID TRANSID-c52ed5988e3ff9b04e86c8eaf5addd34

Anyone know whats with that?

Mark Marsiglio

Sunday 18 September 2005 1:00:29 pm

I got this error once because of database permissions. My DB user did not have permission to create a temporary table, causing that error. Adding full privileges to the DB user in MySQL fixed it for me.

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Bruce Prochnau

Monday 19 September 2005 6:39:25 am

Thanks, but I have full permissions...