Forums / Install & configuration / factbox in ezP 3

factbox in ezP 3

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Majkl Najt

Monday 16 December 2002 1:55:53 am

I loved tag factbox in previous release.
What needs to be done if I want to make it work in this version?

Majkl Najt

Wednesday 18 December 2002 10:56:21 pm


It is really there :)
SOmetimes directory structure is too big to find everything :)
Hope some tutorial will solve this :)

It is true, now adding tags is more easier than before.

Thank to eZ crew.

> > I loved tag factbox in previous release.
> > What needs to be done if I want to make it work in this
> > version?
> In eZ publish 3 you have support for custom tags in much the
> same way as the 2.2 version. For now you need to use the
> syntax:
> <custom name='factbox'>
> This is the text in my factbox
> </custom>
> All you need to do then is to create a template for the
> factbox which will be named factbox.tpl. Put this file in
> the folder:
> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/factbox.tpl
> In the same manner you can create as many factboxes as you
> like.
> ps: we will probably add a simpler way to tag the factbox (
> with automatic conversion to the custom xml tag )
> --bård

Majkl Najt

Thursday 19 December 2002 11:55:41 pm

Hi again!

How to add additional parameter to let say for example factbox
so it will accept param1 in way like this:

<custom name='factbox' param1='40'>
This is the text in my factbox

Is there any way to do this?