Forums / Install & configuration / ezPublish 4.0beta cannot login with Administration Interface

ezPublish 4.0beta cannot login with Administration Interface

Author Message

Maia Good

Wednesday 28 November 2007 11:24:52 am

PHP: Version 5.1.6
Apache: 2.0 Handler
MySQL: 5.0.22
OS: Windows_NT

I downloaded and successfully installed ezpublish-4.0.0beta1-gpl.tar.gz. I can successfully login using the webadmin interface but if I try to check the box "Log in to the eZ Publish Administration Interface" I get an "Access Denied" error, and I cannot access the site to make any changes. The user menu at the top of the screen shows me as logged in, with a link to logout, but I cannot do anything that requires login.

The error log shows:
[ Nov 28 2007 20:10:03 ] [] error/view.php:
Error ocurred using URI: /ez/index.php/eng/user/localhost/ez/index.php/ezwebin_site_admin/user/login

Thanks for any insight.

Ole Marius Smestad

Thursday 29 November 2007 3:36:26 am


I created an issue for this in our tracker.

Best regards,
Ole Marius

Ole Marius Smestad
Lead Engineer eZ Publish
Member of the Community Project Board

Dmitry Lakhtyuk

Friday 30 November 2007 7:39:07 am

how your 'AdditionalLoginFormActionURL' settings is look like? [settings/siteaccess/ezwebin_site/site.ini.append.php].[SiteSettings].AdditionalLoginFormActionURL

Maia Good

Friday 30 November 2007 3:05:29 pm

Here it is:


By the way, I have not touched any of the ini files, just allowed the install to do the work.

Dmitry Lakhtyuk

Saturday 01 December 2007 5:20:01 am

the issue #12118 is fixed