Forums / Install & configuration / ezp3.6.1.beta1: EZSW-004 Failed inserting data to mysql...

ezp3.6.1.beta1: EZSW-004 Failed inserting data to mysql...

Author Message

Alexandre Cunha

Tuesday 03 May 2005 6:43:42 am


On my first try to install ezp 3.6.1. beta 1. i got this error in the last step of the istallation process:

EZSW-004Failed inserting data to mysql
BLOB column 'path_identification_string' can't be used in key specification with the used table type

What is wrong ?

Using FC3, apache 2.0, php 4.3.9, mysql 3.23


Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 04 May 2005 12:09:02 am

In 3.6 we try to make the tables using the <i>InnoDB</i> type, however on MySQL 3.23 it has some problems with these tables.
Because of this we added a check on the version number of MySQL so that we only use <i>innodb</i> for 4.0 or higher.

My guess is the there is something wrong in the check, i'll try it again on my machine.



Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 04 May 2005 5:43:17 am

The problem has been found and fixed and will be included in 3.6.0rc1.

If you want to fix this yourself you can edit <i>kernel/setup/steps/ezstep_create_sites.php</i> and look for <i>innodb</i>, then change this text to <i>myisam</i>.
In other words the line should look like:

$params['table_type'] = 'myisam';



Alexandre Cunha

Wednesday 04 May 2005 9:29:31 am


Thanks. The error EZSW-004 is solved now.
But unfortunetly, remain another annoying problem in the last step of 3.6.1beta1 instalation.

The same problem exist for other ezp versions.

More info here:

Not sure if is a ezp bug or a problem in the default settings Apache+Mysql+Php on Fedora Core 3.

I hope someone can help.


Jan Borsodi

Friday 06 May 2005 1:00:56 am

I believe this is yet another example of the PHP reference bug.
We are still working on a solution for it but it will take some time to get everything to work properly.

Could you try to do a manual setup and see if you can get it to work?



Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 11 May 2005 12:14:27 am

I've just installed eZ publish 3.6 beta1 successfully on FC3 with the exact same setup that you are using (clean install).
In other words: there is probably some configuration issue with one of these tools. Have you changed any php/apache/mysql settings at all?

Alexandre Cunha

Wednesday 18 May 2005 12:43:49 pm

I've just installed eZ publish 3.6 beta1 successfully on FC3 with the exact same setup that you are using (clean install).
In other words: there is probably some configuration issue with one of these tools. Have you changed any php/apache/mysql settings at all?

Hi Frederik

Thanks for your time testing with FC3.
The only change I have made is the httpd.conf enabling UserDir mode and disabling SElinux on my FC3.

I have more info about.

On my default instalation, I have:
php 4.3.9, Apache 2.0.52, mysql 3.23.58

With this config, I get the error
"Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below."
on the last step of 3.6.0 rc1 instalation (and other versions)

The same error when I try use sites made with 3.4.2, and 3.4.4.

After upgrade to PHP 4.3.11, I finally can finish the instalation in the 3.6.0rc1 and 3.5.0
With other ezp versions (3.4.2 and 3.4.6) Im unable to install and run installed sites (previous instalation made with other linux distro)

Any ideias ?


Frederik Holljen

Thursday 19 May 2005 12:13:28 am

It sounds a lot like the reference problem in PHP that has been haunting us for a while now. We are still working very hard to resolve this problem.

Alexandre Cunha

Thursday 19 May 2005 9:30:52 am


This weekend I will try use Apache 1.3 to check if get some trouble.
Have someone any info about Apache 1.3+ezp and this "referene bug" ?

Its the fisrt time I try apache 2.
Before, have used SuSe 9.2 with apache 1.3 without any problematic bugs.

By the way ... where I can find more info about this "problematic reference bug" ?



PS: someone knows where I can get a ready to install RPM of apache 1.3 to FC3 ?

Alexandre Cunha

Tuesday 07 June 2005 11:58:47 pm

Have installed Apache 1.3 + PHP 4.3.11 + mysql 4.23 on the FC3 and now all sites are working fine.


Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 08 June 2005 2:39:55 am

The PHP reference problem has been resolved in the upcoming PHP 4.4.