Forums / Install & configuration / eZP 4.2.0, webshop & payment gateway

eZP 4.2.0, webshop & payment gateway

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Stéphane Le Merre

Monday 19 October 2009 1:00:47 am


I have an issue with shop in eZPublish 4.2 : i'm using a self made extension as gateway (it looks like eZSips). It works just fine with eZPublish 4.1.x.

I did a workflow (Checkout -> before).

When comes the checkout, eZ seems to use the "redirect.tpl" template as layout when the event happens, and the user is directly redirected to the "orderview" view of the shop module.

Probably this issue comes from kernel/shop/checkout.php but i do not know if it has been modified since 4.1. (this line at the end of the file $module->redirectTo( '/shop/orderview/' . $orderID ); is executed and it does not have to).
Maybe i can have a look this week, i just wanted to report this.


H-Works Agency

Tuesday 27 October 2009 8:41:42 am

Hello Stéphane,

I have the same problem with my eZSips 2.0 module.

Its like the trigger isn't called anymore.

Did you get an answer till your first report ?


EZP is Great

Stéphane Le Merre

Wednesday 28 October 2009 4:53:03 am

Hello Martin,

Sorry, but i have not investigate anymore at this time.


Denis Hoa

Thursday 29 October 2009 11:10:27 am


We experienced the same issue using ezPaypal + a custom-made payment gateway for RBS Worldpay.
However, using only one gateway works, either with ezPaypal or the other.

Are you using multiple payment gateways?
Could this issue concern selection of payment gateway workflow?


H-Works Agency

Friday 30 October 2009 2:10:09 am

Problem is due to a missing status in the 4.2 workflowtype.php.

I had to hack the kernel to make things work.

Don't upgrade ez if your version work, it'll never go smoothly.

EZP is Great

Renan Leme

Friday 20 November 2009 3:31:18 pm

In file lib/ezutils/classes/ezmoduleoperationinfo.php, function executeTrigger(), search for:

if ( $status['Status'] == eZTrigger::FETCH_TEMPLATE_REPEAT )

and change to:

if ( $status['Status'] == eZTrigger::FETCH_TEMPLATE_REPEAT && $operationName == 'publish' && $this->ModuleName == 'content' )