Forums / Install & configuration / ezP 4.0 Can't upload image

ezP 4.0 Can't upload image

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Jacobi Jacobi

Saturday 23 February 2008 5:36:31 am

I am using ezP 4.0.0 with ezFlow, all images can be displayed properly. But images can't be uploaded, I have checked ezP 4.0.0 and very sure that I have enabled the following:

1) php.ini file with: file_uploads = On
2) File permissions: var/storage/ and it's sub directories. rights enabled
3) Image conversion program: GD2 works fine as images can be displayed

Please what else I need to check. Please help.
With Thanks,

André R.

Saturday 23 February 2008 8:46:39 am

File size and file upload limit in php (upload size and post size) and ez publish limitation on image attributes..

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Jacobi Jacobi

Saturday 23 February 2008 6:48:36 pm

Hi André R.,

Thanks for your reply.

For PHP, I have already set up (php.ini):
post_max_size =10M
file_uploads = On
;upload_tmp_dir = ;(use system default)
upload_max_filesize =128M

Still not able to upload image after reboot.
Please help more!
With Thanks

Piotrek Karaś

Saturday 23 February 2008 11:19:31 pm

<i>3) Image conversion program: GD2 works fine as images can be displayed</i>

You mean images previously uploaded? It doesn't have to be necessarily so, I don't think you need GD for just displaying images that had already been generated.

Check image.ini:

Do you have your debug on? What does it say?

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Jacobi Jacobi

Sunday 24 February 2008 1:14:51 am

3) Image conversion program: GD2 works fine as images can be displayed
You mean images previously uploaded? It doesn't have to be necessarily so, I don't think you need GD for just displaying images that had already been generated.

==> I am using the demo data which has images, all these images from demo data can be displayed, just can't upload any image.

Check image.ini:

==> I amusing GD2, so I set:
HasGD2=True (ImageMagick not used)

Do you have your debug on? What does it say?

==> I set on debud on. If I post new article without images, no problem. But if with image, a blank screen returned if I use FireFox (or if use IE: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage ), that means I get no debug info.

Please help more!

With Thanks

Piotrek Karaś

Sunday 24 February 2008 4:44:17 am

<i>> I set on debud on. If I post new article without images, no problem.
> But if with image, a blank screen returned if I use FireFox
> (or if use IE: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage ),
> that means I get no debug info.</i>

Which page cannot be displayed, the one containing images, or the result page directly after editing? If you are not able to read the HTML debug, there are still some log files that should contain the answers (please clear all cache before making another attempt that you expect to be logged). And making debug work should be your primary objective, otherwise this is little chance to confirm anything.

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Jacobi Jacobi

Monday 25 February 2008 1:28:45 am

Two examples:

1) New User Registration:
If the new user chooses "New image file for upload" on "Register user" screen, and select an image to upload, the blank screen will be returned without anything (Firefox).

2) New Article Create:
If I create a new article and upload an image, the blank screen will be returened(Firefox)

I notice that these programs seem to calling the same code/function as the two programs ask the same things:

Current image:
There is no image file.
New image file for upload: [BROWSE]

Please help more!
With Thanks,

russ smith

Tuesday 25 November 2008 12:24:47 pm

this is long since a dead thread but...

the fix is to change your upload directory in your php.ini to something apache can read/write to/from.