Forums / Install & configuration / Ezp 3.3 with PHP CGI

Ezp 3.3 with PHP CGI

Author Message

James Packham

Tuesday 24 February 2004 3:07:37 am


I know this has been asked a couple of times - without answer so far as I can tell - but does anybody have EZP 3.3 running with PHP as CGI instead of module? More specifically does anybody has a patch I can use, or the replacement ezsys.php? I've tried to make one of my own, but it's a bit of an uphill struggle for me, any help would be much appreciated even if it's just a couple of tips.



James Packham

Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:43:34 am

From what I gather the big problem is that the ezsys.php file "changed" in EZ Publish 3.3, but nobodies has since posted how to edit it to get it working again... Or that is, atleast, to get it working for CGI :)

Francis Nart

Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:51:08 am

We just uploaded our patch in the community/contribution section. Try it


Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:57:10 am

How about if you upload it to the pubsvn community repository? (
That way, collaboration and improvements can be done in a more orderly fashion.

Francis Nart

Tuesday 24 February 2004 6:05:33 am

why not but what is the procedure ? And isn't it integrated in the main eZ Web site ?


James Packham

Tuesday 24 February 2004 6:14:15 am


I've installed it and I can now see my admin interface. There seems to be a problem with logging in (I get two ?? instead of just one), but I'll have a play with it all and see what I can do (there's a good chance that it's something I've done wrong + I'm running 3.3-3). I'll make sure that once I find out a bit more I put up some feedback/advice for other 3.3-3 users :)

Thanks again,


Francis Nart

Tuesday 24 February 2004 6:26:52 am

yeah James. We do have the same ?? when logged in but it works for us.
The best would be to completely supress the index.php? from the URL !
Please give us feedback in the contribution section.


Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 24 February 2004 6:41:52 am

Check here:
You will need svn and ask the maintainer Paul (email on above page) for access to the repository. He can answer all further questions. Thanks for you effort!


James Packham

Tuesday 24 February 2004 6:47:30 am

Actually the latest is that I think that ?? is right for 3.3 version 3 as well. I think it may be another problem with my server, but I'll not say too much now because I'd just be speculating.

Will keep you posted :)



James Packham

Tuesday 24 February 2004 7:12:45 am

Yeah, it turns out my hosting provider is running Apache 2 (with AcceptPathInfo disabled)... gggrrrr the sales people told me it would be 1.3 and it's difficult to tell with Ensim :(

On the brightside your patch gets a provisional green light for EZP 3.3-3 :)

Derick Rethans

Wednesday 25 February 2004 6:04:51 am

See my post in this other thread: