Tuesday 27 January 2004 4:44:57 am
Thank you Bård.
I tried and succeeded once to get rid of the error, but then it came back again.
Any other scripts work great, no problem at all here.
Could it perhaps have to do with the memory? It was set at 8 MB for PHP. I changed it though in the .htaccess file, but don't know if that works on my server (which is not my own).
I'd like to try the setup once again, last time, to see if it will work now. Two clients of mine want a CMS for their site, and I'm testing if eZ publish is a good option. So far it has only given troubles... :-(
*** Anyway, could you tell me how to re-install eZ publish 3.3 ?? ***
Do I need to remove all files and reupload everything again ? Or is there a faster way ? (uploading to USA took over an hour from here!) Thanks again in advance for any replies.