Forums / Install & configuration / Ez responses to this forum?

Ez responses to this forum?

Author Message

Paul Forsyth

Saturday 15 February 2003 5:21:22 pm

I am starting to wonder what the ez commitment is to this and other ez3 forums are. There have been several important messages posted this week that have not received a reply. Tonight I find another message, point 1 of:
that seems to address a point i asked earlier this week, namely:
This prompted me to write this forum message.

Another important question I asked was about the missing language file,

Where are the answers to these questions? Will they be answered on this forum? What has happened to the ez3 community site? The ezwiki site has been fantastic, and i expect the ez community site would build on this. Should i inquire about the holy grail? :)

As users we are trying to help bugfix ez3 but we do require feedback from the developers. Since ez3 has reaches rc2 status it is meant to be a stable, well designed and tested product. As a concerned user i must insist on answers.
