Forums / Install & configuration / ez 3.8.0. wizard install problem : missing css files (?)

ez 3.8.0. wizard install problem : missing css files (?)

Author Message

Gunnar Skogen

Tuesday 16 May 2006 6:35:48 am

Newbe here & to EZ

OS: Windows XP Proffessional, SP2
PHP: 4.4.2
DB: MySql
Http server: Apache

Finally got the PHP/Apache to work by adding the following to the Apache::httpd.conf file:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php (not documented)

The ez wizard starts and crashes Apache by clicking on both of either choices:
( - entry in Event log is:
Faulting application apache.exe, version, faulting module php4ts.dll, version, fault address 0x000c5fca.
- )

The php error log :
[Tue May 16 15:23:28 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: c:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/my_site/design/admin/stylesheets/admin.css
[Tue May 16 15:23:28 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: c:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/my_site/design/admin/stylesheets/debug.css

Neither of these files are present in the ezpublish-3[1]

Thankful for any help/suggestions -- (maybe I should try a manual install ?)

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 17 May 2006 11:17:24 pm

Gunnar, hello and welcome to the eZ publish Community!

To help you get started with eZ publish, you might find the tutorial "Building an eZ publish site" ( ) helpful. It covers the basic concepts of eZ publish, such as how to work with templates, create custom classes and much more.

If you want to learn more about eZ publish development (like creating new modules, extensions, or integrating with external applications) take a look at the developer documentation ( ).

The all-important technical and user manuals are available via the eZ publish on-line documentation ( ). You can also download off-line versions of eZ publish documentation ( ).

Also, the forums ( ) are a valuable resource. A quick search ( ) will answer many of your questions.

The book "Learning eZ publish 3" ( ) will help you conquer eZ publish and learn the skills to become an accomplished eZ publish developer. At the end of the book, you will:

+ Understand how eZ publish handles, versions and publishes content to the web
+ Be confident working in the eZ publish administration area
+ Know the secrets of the eZ publish templating system for designing your own pages
+ Have the skills to create new eZ publish extensions
+ See how real-world eZ publish sites have been designed and implemented

Your problem is related to your PHP version. Try with PHP 4.4.1 or take a latest version from There is bug in PHP 4.4.2 for windows which affects fopen function.

You can ignore error about missing CSS files.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Gunnar Skogen

Friday 19 May 2006 1:49:25 am


That got me futher, after a reboot for the new dll.....

Next obstacle:
"The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again"
Solution found through search here :
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR -> 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');
Start mysqld with the --old-passwords option ( in service )
Note : Service only seems to take one parameter here : if you need MySql logs (-l --log-bin) one can start from cmd

However there is a new problem for which I made a new thread.