Forums / Install & configuration / eZ 3.2-3 kernel (20)/Error + image uploads

eZ 3.2-3 kernel (20)/Error + image uploads

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Friday 14 November 2003 2:25:20 am

I am using eZ publish 3.2-3 and installed it using the normal method. Generally it is working quite well but there are two issues that I keep coming across:

1. I have a number of articles stored. If I select an article to edit I get the error:

kernel (20)/Error Module not found
The requested module ezpublish could not be found.
Possible reasons for this is.
* The module name was misspelled, try changing the url.
* The module does not exist on this site.
* This site uses siteaccess matching in the url and you didn't supply one, try inserting a siteaccess name before the module in the url.

If I go back to the list of articles and select to edit the same article again I can view Current Draft and can then edit it thereafter. When I publish the article and try to edit it again the above error message appears again etc. The only thing I can notice is that when I get the error message the URL reads (I've left out http://):

localhost/ezpublish/index.php/moss_admin/content/edit/42/15// [15 is the article version number]

And when all works ok the URL reads:
[Current Draft]
[Edit Article]

2. I can upload images but they are not appearing no matter how many times I upload them. Is this something to do with spaces within directory names?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Joris Lint

Tuesday 18 November 2003 3:20:00 am

image uploads:
For me the solution for the disappearing images was to change the chmod permissions of the var, storage and cache directories.

stig henning

Friday 12 December 2003 7:53:17 am

I also get this "kernel (20)/Error Module not found" error.

I click "back",
then I click "edit"
..and I can edit the page..

Also my pictures I try to upload dosen't show.
I looked into the /var directory, and its fully accessible.

Any tech's on that know about this issue ?