Forums / Install & configuration / EZ 3.1-1 to 3.2beta1 database upgrade script doesn't work

EZ 3.1-1 to 3.2beta1 database upgrade script doesn't work

Author Message

Willie Seabrook

Thursday 28 August 2003 11:28:59 pm

Any ideas?

D:\EZ\mysql\bin>mysql -u root ez < :\EZ\ezpublish\update\database\mysql\3.2\dbu
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'data_text5'


Willie Seabrook

Tuesday 02 September 2003 2:42:32 pm

So no one has any idea?

Shall I file a bug report then?

Willie Seabrook

Wednesday 03 September 2003 12:16:49 am

Bug report filed.

This is incredibly annoying because I'm stuck on 3.1 and can't use all the new features in 3.2 (which I need to finish my site) and can't even access svn now as fixes come in. So I'm stuck doing nothing untill the next major release (may be weeks or months). Blah. :-(

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 03 September 2003 12:32:39 am

Yes, this line is a duplicate. This will ofcourse be fixed before the final relase of 3.2 which is in 2 weeks.
If you want to upgrade you can simply remove that line and try again, the rest of the sql file will work (I just tested it).

