Forums / Install & configuration / Extensions and conflicting designs

Extensions and conflicting designs

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Christian Johansen

Wednesday 23 May 2007 5:43:38 am


I'm trying to create an extension that is primarily a design extension. It is a design for the user site, not the admin. First I had to move the override.ini file from the extension to the user siteaccess directory, which was a huge disappointment since this means my extension is no longer centralized in one place. But I had to in order to avoid the templates being overridden in the admin as well.

Now I'm having trouble with the open editor. I've allowed simple front end editing in my custom design. I have also tweaked the move function, and thus the browse.tpl template. When using the OE to create a link now, the browse part is crippled because of the browse.tpl template I created an override for the move function.

Aaaah! I'm kinda frustrated because I don't know how to create an extension that only affects the user site, but not the admin site, and not the editor in the user site. Is it at all possible? I tried to active the OE extension before mine, but that didn't work.

Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 23 May 2007 6:37:54 am

Why are you using an extension for storing design templates ? why don't you use design/xxx instead ?


Christian Johansen

Wednesday 23 May 2007 6:47:07 am

Well, I'm going to use the exact same setup over and over, so I wanted to make it easy to drop it into a new installation. Anyway, won't I face the same trouble with conflicting content/browse for frontend editing and OE node browsing anyway?


Wednesday 23 May 2007 9:56:22 am


It sure sounds like you want to enable the extension for only one siteaccess.


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Wednesday 23 May 2007 10:01:32 am

Don't listen to people who push you away from building solutions within extensions, they are confused and lost. Extensions are the way to go for designs, we call these design extensions. Only the <i>madd</i> want to customize a stock eZ build but not use extensions. Don't give in ...

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 23 May 2007 11:04:36 am

Please be gentle for each other, unnamed one. I don't know Xavier as someone who's being confused and lost.

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Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 23 May 2007 4:11:52 pm

Hi Xavier

For multilingual sites by having the design in an extension allows for the translation file to stored as part of the extension and contain translations specific to that design. If the design is under the design/xxx directory the translatons get added to the main translation file. This
can be an issue if you run multiple sites off the one ez instalation and quite unweildy.

I'm going to experiement with designs in extensions a bit more, I believe it's probably a better (or at least cleaner) way of handling things.


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Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 23 May 2007 10:14:46 pm

Hi Bruce,

I use extension as well for the translation (and I'm always annoyed that I can't do it from the design ;)

Why I usually do is to put the design into the design and create symlinks in the settings where it needs to be (eg between override.ini.append...).

As for me pushing away people from extension, I was asking why Christian wanted to do it, not stopping him to put whatever wherever he wants.

I never wrote one shouldn't use extension, and if you use the ones from the contrib section or , you might have encounter some I shared... of course, doesn't mean I'm not confused and lost, but that's a different issue altogether ;)


Christian Johansen

Thursday 24 May 2007 10:44:53 pm

Thank you all for your input.

I still have the following problem

Browse for nodes when moving nodes: I want my own content/browse.tpl to be used
Browse for nodes in the editor when linking to other nodes: I don't want my own content/browse.tpl to be used.

I use the editor for simple frontend editing, so they're in the same siteaccess. Is there a way around this problem?