Forums / Install & configuration / exhausted memory error in setup ezpublish-4.1.0

exhausted memory error in setup ezpublish-4.1.0

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Shawn Xie

Sunday 26 April 2009 5:08:40 pm

I tried to setup ezpublish-4.1.0 on my Windows XP laptop which already has Apache 1.3.41 and PHP-5.2.9-2 installed. In php.ini the default memory_limit = 128M is untouched.

I download and unpack it under htdocs. After restarting Apache, I browse to http://localhost/ezpublish-4.1.0/index.php. The welcome page shows up but contains words "Your system is not optimal, if you wish you can click the Finetune button." Clicking the button gives out:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in C:\apache1.3\Apache\htdocs\ezpublish-4.1.0\lib\ezutils\classes\ezphpcreator.php on line 381

Using results in the same error.



Abdul Rasheed

Tuesday 28 April 2009 2:07:52 am


I too faced the same issue.
Kindly help on this, if anyone have come accross the same issue.


Abdul Rasheed

Shawn Xie

Monday 04 May 2009 12:16:15 pm

I solved this problem myself. The error resulted from the php.ini was actually not read by apache. After making httpd.conf contain the following two lines at the end of file and restart apache, the error disappeared.

LoadModule php5_module "C:/php5/php5apache.dll"
PHPIniDir "C:/php5/"

These two lines were actually inserted by PHP5 installation wizard but in reverse order. I had to manually switch the order of the lines otherwise apache did not even start.

C:/php5/ is where I installed php. If it was installed on the C:/program files/, then the LoadModule will not work due to the space between "program files".