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Error message

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Jozef Pavlik

Tuesday 08 November 2005 11:51:52 pm

The setup wizard was not able to complete the creation of your selected sites.

The following errors were detected:

Failed inserting data to mysql
Unknown table 'ezapprove_items' in information_schema
Failed to initialize site package corporate
If you think you have fixed the errors you can try and click the "Retry" button.

I use Apache 1.3., PHP 4.4.0, MySQL 5

Jozef Pavlik

Tuesday 08 November 2005 11:53:02 pm

..and Ezpublish 3.7.2

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 12:52:22 am

Hi Jozef,

Look at this topic

Which package have you downloaded tar.gz or .zip?

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Jozef Pavlik

Wednesday 09 November 2005 1:16:28 am

I have downloaded zip. Thanks.

Jozef Pavlik

Wednesday 09 November 2005 1:35:05 am

Hi, Lukasz,
I get this:
Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-681de88cadcb34f2c66db28dcd9d30e3 and has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current URL when contacting the system administrator.

I have created a new clean database, choosed the plain site but the problem is the same?? Thanks for any advice.

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 1:36:39 am

Look into var/log/error.log (from eZ publish root) to check which SQL query failed.

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Jozef Pavlik

Wednesday 09 November 2005 1:51:18 am

Thanks, Lukasz: Here is the error log:
[ Nov 09 2005 10:30:07 ] [] Query error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'data_int' at row 1. Query: UPDATE ezcontentobject_attribute
SET contentclassattribute_id='181', attribute_original_id='0',
sort_key_int='0', sort_key_string='contact us', data_type_string='ezstring',
data_text='Contact us', data_int='', data_float='0.000000'
WHERE id='186' AND contentobject_id='57' AND version='1' AND language_code='eng-GB'
[ Nov 09 2005 10:30:07 ] [] Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-20bb7b63db3a17a90cb75da5ff7a187f.

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 2:01:25 am

This looks like incompatibility with MySQL 5, which version of MySQL do you use, exacly?

Could you fill up bug report in bug system?

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Jozef Pavlik

Wednesday 09 November 2005 2:22:22 am

Yes, I use MySQL 5. I will fill up the bug report form.

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 3:02:16 am

Thank you Jozef, please include SQL query too.

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 11 November 2005 1:23:21 am

Jozef, I reported this problem in our bug tracking system. Bug team will look on this issue.

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Dereumaux xavier

Tuesday 22 November 2005 8:23:16 am


i've got the same problem on this "normal" instalation of ez 3.7.2 package Tar.gz (i try the zip but it's allready the same)

>> The setup wizard was not able to complete the creation of your selected sites.

The following errors were detected:

* EZSW-004Failed inserting data to mysql
Table 'ezapprove_items' already exists
* EZSW-040Failed to initialize site package news

If you think you have fixed the errors you can try and click the "Retry" button


Image system:






I try few time to made it work (rm the folder and the database for a new clean install) but always the same problem. it's the first time i try to use EZ this is what i have on the install. I have search a few on the forum for this i find nothing.

Version - Apache/1.3.33 (Debian GNU/Linux) PHP/4.3.10-15
MySQL 4.1.11-Debian

plz help